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shell scripting and regular expression

echo enter your password :
read password

passlength=$(echo ${#password})

if [ $passlength -le 8 ];
    echo you entered correct  password
    echo entered password is incorrect

if [[$password == [a-z]*[0-9][a-z]*]];
    echo match found
    echo match not found

I am not getting what's wrong with this code. If I enter any string as a password, let's say hello123 , it gives me an error:

hello123 : command not found

What is wrong with my script?

You can do the following to make it work cross-platforms with any the bourne shell (/bin/sh) based shell, no bash specific primitives -

echo "$password" | grep -q "[a-z]*[0-9][a-z]*"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ;then
    echo "match found"
    echo "match not found"

Also feel free to use quotes around the variable names. It will save you hours and hours worth of useless debugging. :)

Technically it should give you an error like [[hello123 : command not found .

The issue is that [[$password is not expanded how you think it is. Bash will first resolve the $password variable to what you entered (ie hello123 ). This will yield the string [[hello123 which bash will then try to invoke (and fail, as there is nothing with that name).

Simply add a space ( ) after [[ and bash will recognise [[ as the command to run (although it is a builtin).

if [[ "$password" == [a-z]*[0-9][a-z]* ]]

The corrected script is below. The errors were:

  • #!/bin/bash , not #!bin/bash
  • To read password length, just do passlength=${#password} , not passlength=$(echo ${#password})
  • Always put a space after [ or [[

 #!/bin/bash echo "enter your password :" read password passlength=${#password} if [[ $passlength -le 8 ]] then echo "you entered correct password" else echo "entered password is incorrect" fi if [[ $password == [az]*[0-9][az]* ]] then echo "match found" else echo "match not found" fi 

read -s -p "Enter Password: " password
if [ $password_length -lt 8 -o $password_length -gt 20 ] ;then 
        echo -e "Invalid password - should be between 8 and 20 characters in length.";
        echo ;
        # Check for invalid characters
        case $password in 
            *[^a-zA-Z0-9]* ) 
                echo -e "Password contains invalid characters.";
                echo ;
            * )
                echo "Password accepted.";
                echo ;

More tuned example..

In the bash [[ construct, the == operator will match glob-style patterns, and =~ will match regular expressions. See the documentation .

Try to replace line

if [[$password == [a-z]*[0-9][a-z]*]];

with following

if echo "$password" | grep -qs '[a-z]*[0-9][a-z]*'


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