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如何在SQL Sever Select语句中编写if条件以创建存储过程

[英]how to write the if condition in sql sever select statement to create the storedprocedure

i am writing one stored procedure using sql server2008(dynamic sql), now my problem is i am passing 4 values to stored procedure in that UserAgentID varchar(50) pass the value or empty, now i can pass any value like(1233) based on that display the values and i am passing empty like('') now based on the field null values displayed but i am taking table Agentid is Integer datatype so i am passing IS NULL how to write the condition base on that , i am trying like this 我正在使用sql server2008(dynamic sql)编写一个存储过程,现在我的问题是我正在向存储过程传递4个值,因为UserAgentID varchar(50)传递了值或为空,现在我可以传递基于(1233)在该显示值上,我现在基于显示的字段null值传递空的like(''),但是我正在使用表Agentid是Integer数据类型,因此我正在传递IS NULL如何基于该条件写条件,我正在尝试像这样

ALTER Procedure [dbo].[usp_GetSearch123]      
 @SearchValue varchar(100),      
 @SearchBy varchar(250),
 @DbName varchar(50),
 @UserAgentID varchar(50)     

  Declare @cmd varchar(5000)

  select @cmd = 
  'Select QT.Name,SC.Name as Status,QT.QuoteNumber,QT.SubmissionNumber,QT.UnderWriter as UnderWriter,LC.Name as LineCode,QT.DBAName as DBAName         
  from Agent_Quote QT,Users US,' + @DbName + '..StatusCode SC, ' + @DbName+'..Linecode LC      
  where QT.StatusCode = SC.StatusCode And QT.LineCode = LC.LineCode and SC.StatusCode!=''C'' and US.UserID=QT.CreatedBy and US.AgentID like'''+@UserAgentID+''' and     
  (QT.Name like ''' + @SearchValue + '%'' or QT.DBAName like ''' + @SearchValue +'%'')       
  order by QT.Name,QuoteNumber desc'
print @cmd

now i am passing empty in user table null values there so how to write the condition pls help me any one... thank u hemanth 现在我在用户表中传递空值,所以如何写条件请帮助我任何人...谢谢

You can try something like this 您可以尝试这样的事情

IF ISNULL(@UserAgentID, -1) = -1
  select @cmd = 
  'Select QT.Name,SC.Name as Status,QT.QuoteNumber,QT.SubmissionNumber,
  QT.UnderWriter as UnderWriter,LC.Name as LineCode,QT.DBAName as DBAName         
  from Agent_Quote QT,Users US,' + @DbName + '..StatusCode SC, ' + @DbName+'..Linecode LC      
  where QT.StatusCode = SC.StatusCode And QT.LineCode = LC.LineCode and 
  SC.StatusCode!=''C'' and US.UserID=QT.CreatedBy and 

  US.AgentID is nulll and     

  (QT.Name like ''' + @SearchValue + '%'' or QT.DBAName like ''' + @SearchValue +'%'')     

  order by QT.Name,QuoteNumber desc'
  select @cmd = 
  'Select QT.Name,SC.Name as Status,QT.QuoteNumber,QT.SubmissionNumber,
  QT.UnderWriter as UnderWriter,LC.Name as LineCode,QT.DBAName as DBAName         
  from Agent_Quote QT,Users US,' + @DbName + '..StatusCode SC, ' + @DbName+'..Linecode LC      
  where QT.StatusCode = SC.StatusCode And QT.LineCode = LC.LineCode and 
  SC.StatusCode!=''C'' and US.UserID=QT.CreatedBy and 

  US.AgentID like'''+@UserAgentID+''' and     

  (QT.Name like ''' + @SearchValue + '%'' or QT.DBAName like ''' + @SearchValue +'%'')       
  order by QT.Name,QuoteNumber desc'

or 要么

  select @cmd = 
  'Select QT.Name,SC.Name as Status,QT.QuoteNumber,QT.SubmissionNumber,
  QT.UnderWriter as UnderWriter,LC.Name as LineCode,QT.DBAName as DBAName         
  from Agent_Quote QT,Users US,' + @DbName + '..StatusCode SC, ' + @DbName+'..Linecode LC      
  where QT.StatusCode = SC.StatusCode And QT.LineCode = LC.LineCode and 
  SC.StatusCode!=''C'' and US.UserID=QT.CreatedBy and 

  ((@UserAgentID is null AND US.AgentID is null) OR US.AgentID like'''+@UserAgentID+''') and     

  (QT.Name like ''' + @SearchValue + '%'' or QT.DBAName like ''' + @SearchValue +'%'')       
  order by QT.Name,QuoteNumber desc'

The question is a bit confusing but if it is centered on the AgentID issue, I'm going to make the following assumptions: 这个问题有点令人困惑,但是如果它以AgentID问题为中心,我将做出以下假设:

1) AgentID in your table has data type of int 1)您表中的AgentID的数据类型为int

2) You also have NULL values in the AgentID column 2)您在AgentID栏中也有NULL值

So with you passing in that variable as a string (which you should not do, keep data types consistant and pass in 0 or other non-valid id value) you could try doing your AgentID condition as follows: 因此,当您将该变量作为字符串传递时(不应该这样做,保持数据类型一致并传递0或其他无效的ID值),您可以尝试执行如下的AgentID条件:

--First, create int prameter and validate the @UserAgentID parameter
DECLARE @AgentID int
SELECT @AgentID = 0
SELECT @AgentID = CAST(@UserAgentID AS int)

--update your @UserAgentID condition statement as follows
    ... and ISNULL(US.AgentID,0) = '+CAST(@AgentID AS nvachar(10))+' and 


if your agentid is a varchar type column then the following should work... 如果您的agentid是varchar类型的列,则应该可以执行以下操作...

... and ISNULL(US.AgentID,'') like ''' + ISULL(@UserAgentID,'') + ''' and

Again, the conditional statement and data types are throwing me here (need a "LIKE" for an ID column?) but hopefully this leads you in the right direction. 再次,条件语句和数据类型使我陷入困境(ID列是否需要“ LIKE”?),但希望这会引导您朝正确的方向发展。

HTH 高温超导

Dave 戴夫

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