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[英]in drupal not able to over ride the css in page.tpl

Getting stuck while over riding style in node view (page.tpl ) 在节点视图(page.tpl)中的骑乘样式时卡住

sample content 样本内容

in this page, trying to align the label txt_image1_desc: in the left and content should align right " my image desc need to align " 在此页面中,尝试将标签txt_image1_desc:对齐到左侧,内容应右对齐“ 我的图像需要对齐

i tried in page.tpl with css stuff, but not get align, 我在page.tpl中尝试了css内容,但没有对齐,

how to over ride page.tpl 如何越过page.tpl

Add this to your CSS file: 将此添加到您的CSS文件:

.field-label {

That should render the output like this: txt_image1_desc: my image desc need to align 那应该呈现如下输出: txt_image1_desc: my image desc need to align

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