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[英]How to Count the rows in Hibernate Query Language?

I am trying to get just the count of the rows returned rather than all the results from the table. 我正在尝试只获取返回的行数,而不是表中的所有结果。

I saw that this can be done like this: 我看到可以这样做:

( (Integer) session.createQuery("select count(*) from ....").iterate().next() ).intValue()

But when trying to store this query in an integer format(it says cannot convert from Query to Integer ) 但是当尝试以整数格式存储此查询时(表示无法从Query to Integer转换Query to Integer

I am using a dynamic query where the values will be mentioned below the query like this 我正在使用动态查询,其中的值将像这样在查询下方提及

theQuery = "select count(*) from THM as thm " + 
                "join thm.TMC as tmc " +
                "join tmc.TIMCC as timcc " +
                "where thm.Qid = :Qid and thm.Cv = :Cv and timcc.Did = :Did and timcc.Cv= :Cv";

Query query = session.createQuery(theQuery);
query.setInteger("Qid", Integer.parseInt(Qid));
query.setInteger("Did", Did);

Now, how can i get a count of all the rows returned by using Hibernate query in a variable without using list.size but directly from the query? 现在,如何在不使用list.size但直接从查询中使用变量的情况下,通过使用Hibernate查询返回的所有行的计数?

Have you tried the query.uniqueResult(); 您是否尝试过query.uniqueResult(); ? As your Select count(*) will give you only one number, you should be able to retrieve it with this like int count = (Integer)query.uniqueResult(); 由于您的Select count(*)仅会为您提供一个数字,因此您应该可以使用int count =(Integer)query.uniqueResult();来检索它。

To count based on a Criteria you can do this: 要根据条件进行计数,您可以执行以下操作:

Criteria criteria = currentSession().createCriteria(type);

I'm using the Criteria right now so I know for sure that it works. 我现在正在使用条件,因此我确定它可以正常工作。 I saw the uniqueResult() solution on a website here: http://www.jroller.com/RickHigh/entry/hibernate_pagination_jsf_datagrid_prototype1 我在以下网站上看到了uniqueResult()解决方案: http ://www.jroller.com/RickHigh/entry/hibernate_pagination_jsf_datagrid_prototype1


long count = (long)session.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(e) FROM Employees e").getSingleResult();

Try it. 试试吧。

Long count = ((Long) session.createQuery("select count(*) from Book").uniqueResult());
Integer totalBooks = count.intValue();

Work for me 为我工作

int list=(int) 
sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery("select count(*) as count from 

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