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[英]Can't find ASP.NET Design View for MonoDevelop

I installed MonoDevelop and want to use its design view editor. 我安装了MonoDevelop并想使用它的设计视图编辑器。 After a bit of browsing I came accross ASP.NET Visual Designer which is supposed to be a part of the IDE. 经过一番浏览后,我遇到了ASP.NET Visual Designer,它应该是IDE的一部分。 I used the Ubuntu Software Center to install the MonoDevelop application, so I guess it should have downloaded the latest version. 我使用Ubuntu软件中心安装MonoDevelop应用程序,所以我想它应该已经下载了最新版本。

Here is the extract from the mono develop website . 以下是mono development 网站的摘录。

AspNetEdit does not aim to be a complete IDE. AspNetEdit并不是一个完整的IDE。 After being developed as a proof-of-concept standalone editor, it now has been integrated into MonoDevelop 在作为概念验证独立编辑器开发之后,它现已集成到MonoDevelop中

How can I switch to the designer view? 如何切换到设计器视图?

After opening the IDE I am unable to find the designer view anywhere. 打开IDE后,我无法在任何地方找到设计器视图。 Do I need to install some kind of a add-in for this? 我需要为此安装某种加载项吗?

Monodevelop lacks a lot on this area. Monodevelop在这个领域缺乏很多。 A lot of developers, like me, don't use visual designer a lot but I consider important for some people. 像我这样的很多开发人员并没有使用视觉设计师,但我认为对某些人来说很重要。 MD don't have it and also html/css editor is very limited right now but improvements are planned (a lot of cool stuff). MD没有它,而且html / css编辑器现在非常有限,计划进行改进(很多很酷的东西)。

MD as been evolving fast these days but more focused on MonoTouch. MD近来发展迅速,但更专注于MonoTouch。

For now you could use and external html/css editor for now. 现在你可以使用和外部的html / css编辑器。 I still use Visual Studio 2010 for this. 我仍然使用Visual Studio 2010。


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