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[英]Not Playing RTSP live stream in iphone app

I have worked with streaming HTTP live streaming. 我曾经使用HTTP HTTP实时流媒体进行流媒体处理。 Now I want to try with RTSP live streaming. 现在,我想尝试使用RTSP实时流式传输。

But not getting much tutorials or any sample code to get started. 但是没有太多的教程或任何示例代码可以入门。

Also got Github link of projec dropCam but it is not being run so that I can see how to stream RTSP. 还获得了projec dropCam的Github链接,但该链接未在运行,因此我可以看到如何流式传输RTSP。

Also go through Stackoverflow questions1 , questions2 but still blank. 还要遍历Stackoverflow的问题1问题2,但仍为空白。

Till Now I have try, 直到我尝试

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"rtsp://video3.americafree.tv/AFTVComedyH2641000.sdp"];
    //NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"rtsp://"];

    mpVC = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:url];
    [self.view addSubview:mpVC.view];

But Not Playing. 但不玩。

Any nice tutorial with sample code or elaborated information will be helpful. 任何带有示例代码或详尽信息的优秀教程都将对您有所帮助。

Maybe Iphone doesn't support rtsp streaming protocol. 也许Iphone不支持rtsp流协议。
You should try it by using third party libraries such as FFmpeg. 您应该通过使用第三方库(例如FFmpeg)进行尝试。
FFmpeg library has some feature that help you play rtsp streaming. FFmpeg库具有一些功能,可帮助您播放rtsp流。

I'll post helpful url that specifies how to play mms streaming protocol using FFmpeg. 我将发布有用的网址,该网址指定如何使用FFmpeg播放彩信流协议。

this 这个

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