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[英]Python image search wrapper

I'm trying to figure out a straightforward way to do some image searching in Python with larger numbers of return results than Google's API allows, ie 64. I spent some time trying to use the Python Boss Mashup Framework , and I followed the install instructions carefully, but attempting to do any searches always returns authorization errors. 我试图找出一种简单的方法来在Python中执行一些图像搜索,并且返回结果的数量超过Google API所允许的数量,即64。我花了一些时间尝试使用Python Boss Mashup Framework ,并且按照安装说明进行操作小心,但是尝试进行任何搜索总是会返回授权错误。

I basically just want to search on a term and grab the first, say, 100 image urls that come up. 我基本上只想搜索一个字词,然后抓取出现的第一个(例如100个)图片网址。 The particular search engine doesn't matter. 特定的搜索引擎无关紧要。 Any advice on a simple way to do this would be appreciated! 任何建议以一种简单的方式做到这一点!

不知道这是否足够简单,但是您可以使用Mechanize直接访问Google Image搜索,单击下一个链接以获取更多结果,等等。它非常易于使用,几乎是微不足道的。

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