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[英]json_encode won't escape newlines

Firstly, I have search Stack Overflow for the answer, but I have not found a solution that works. 首先,我已经在Stack Overflow上搜索了答案,但是没有找到有效的解决方案。

I am using an MVC framework (yii) to generate some views and throw them in an array. 我正在使用MVC框架(yii)生成一些视图并将它们放入数组中。 Each view is a card, and I have an array of cards ($deck) as well as an array of arrays of cards ($hands, the list of hands for each player). 每个视图都是一张纸牌,我有一张纸牌数组($ deck)以及一张纸牌数组的数组($ hands,每个玩家的手牌列表)。 I'm simply trying to set a javascript variable on the front-end to store the hands created in PHP. 我只是想在前端设置一个javascript变量来存储用PHP创建的指针。 My view has, it is worth noting, multiple lines. 值得注意的是,我的观点有多行。 In fact, my current test view consists only of: 实际上,我当前的测试视图仅包括:


I therefore used json_encode, but it's giving me the following error when I use $.parseJSON(): 因此,我使用了json_encode,但是当我使用$ .parseJSON()时却出现了以下错误:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token t

I read elsewhere that it is required (for whatever reason) to use json_encode twice. 我在其他地方读到了(无论出于何种原因)需要两次使用json_encode。 I have tried this, but it does not help. 我已经尝试过了,但这无济于事。

With a single json_encode, the output of echoing $hands (followed by an exit) looks pretty healthy: 使用单个json_encode,回显$hands的输出(紧随出口)看起来非常健康:

[["test\ntest","test\ntest","test\ntest","test\ntest", etc...

But when I do not exit, I get a syntax error every time. 但是,当我不退出时,每次都会出现语法错误。

Edit: Here is a sample of my code. 编辑:这是我的代码示例。 Note that $cards is an array of HTML normally, but in my simplified case which still errors, includes only the two lines of 'test' as mentioned above. 请注意,$ cards通常是HTML数组,但在我简化的情况下仍然出错,如上所述,它仅包括两行“ test”。

    $deck = array();
    foreach ($cards as $card) {
        $deck[] = $this->renderPartial('/gamePieces/cardTest', 
                array('card'=>$card), true);
    $hands = Cards::handOutCards($deck, $numCards , $numPlayers);
    $hands = json_encode($hands);

    echo $hands; exit;

With JavaScript, I am doing the following: 使用JavaScript,我可以执行以下操作:

var hands = $.parseJSON('<?php echo json_encode($hands); ?>');

It errors on page load. 页面加载错误。

Any help would be appreciated! 任何帮助,将不胜感激!

Thanks, 谢谢,

ParagonRG ParagonRG

var hands = $.parseJSON('<?php echo json_encode($hands); ?>');

This will result in something like: 这将导致类似:

var hands = $.parseJSON('{"foobar":"baz'"}');

If there are ' characters in the encoded string, it'll break the Javascript syntax. 如果编码后的字符串中包含'字符,则会破坏Javascript语法。 Since you're directly outputting the JSON into Javacript, just do: 由于您将JSON直接输出到Javacript中,因此请执行以下操作:

var hands = <?php echo json_encode($hands); ?>;

JSON is syntactically valid Javascript. JSON是语法上有效的Javascript。 You only need to parse it or eval it if you receive it as a string through AJAX for instance. 例如,如果您通过AJAX将其作为字符串接收,则只需要解析或eval它即可。 If you're directly generating Javascript source code, just embed it directly. 如果您直接生成Javascript源代码,则直接将其嵌入。

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