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Ruby on Rails:使用上传的文件“实时”处理CSS Lint和JS Lint

[英]Ruby on Rails: Processing CSS Lint and JS Lint “realtime” with uploaded files

Our application allows users to upload javascript, CSS, and HTML files. 我们的应用程序允许用户上传javascript,CSS和HTML文件。 We need a way to validate these files against CSS and JS lint, as well as record any errors associated with them (file name, line, etc). 我们需要一种方法来根据CSS和JS lint验证这些文件,并记录与它们相关的任何错误(文件名,行等)。 This needs to be done "realtime," or at the least passed off to a delayed job process to work in the background. 这需要“实时”完成,或者至少要传递到延迟的工作流程中才能在后台工作。 The requirements won't allow us to hook into a third-party online service (like the online w3c validator). 这些要求不允许我们加入第三方在线服务(例如在线w3c验证器)。

I've found jshint_on_rails and jslint_on_rails, which seems like they could work. 我找到了jshint_on_rails和jslint_on_rails,看来它们可以工作。 They are reliant on rake tasks, however, and I'm not sure how I would get their output into a database. 但是,它们依赖于rake任务,而且我不确定如何将其输出存储到数据库中。 I have thus far not found anything similar for css lint. 到目前为止,我还没有找到关于CSS Lint的类似信息。 Are there packages like this out there that I could hook into? 是否有类似这样的软件包可供我挂接?

Thanks 谢谢

What I ended up doing was installing the Node.js versions of JSHint and CSSLint, and then calling them through Rails and parsing the output, like so: 我最终要做的是安装JSHint和CSSLint的Node.js版本,然后通过Rails调用它们并解析输出,如下所示:

  def validate_js(filepath)
    capture_error = false
    filename = get_filename(filepath)
    file_regex = Regexp.new(filepath)
    lint_config = "--config #{Rails.root}/test/validators/jshint.json"
    lint_reporter = "--reporter #{Rails.root}/test/validators/jshint-reporter.js"

    IO.popen("jshint #{filepath} #{lint_config} #{lint_reporter}") do |pipe|

      pipe.each do |line|
        if line =~ file_regex
          # Error detected
          error_msg = line.split("#{filepath}: ").last.strip
          @js_error = @instance.parse_warnings.new(:filename => filename, :error_type => 'javascript', 
                                                        :error_message => error_msg)
          capture_error = true
        elsif capture_error 
          # The actual line the error is on
          @js_error.error_content = line

          capture_error = false
          @js_error = nil # Empty the variable so it isn't hanging around after the last error

def validate_css(filepath)
    filename = get_filename(filepath)
    dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(filepath)) # Where we want to dump the results.xml file

    system("csslint --format=lint-xml > #{dir}/#{filename}-results.xml #{filepath}") # Call CSSLint

    output = LibXML::XML::Parser.file("#{dir}/#{filename}-results.xml")
    doc = output.parse # Iterate over the errors
    doc.find('//issue').each do |issue|
      error_msg = "line #{issue['line']}, col #{issue['char']}, #{issue['reason']}"
      error_content = issue['evidence']
      @instance.parse_warnings.create!(:filename => filename, :error_type => 'css', :error_message => error_msg,
                                            :error_content => error_content)
    FileUtils.rm("#{dir}/#{filename}-results.xml") # No need to keep the xml file around

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