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SQL Azure-单点触控

[英]Sql azure - monotouch

I have a problem with connect to database MS SQL Azure in monotouch. 我在monotouch中连接到数据库MS SQL Azure时遇到问题。 To a simple database MS SQL I can connect - all successfully opens a connection request and is, but to MS SQL Azure i have error: SSL encryption for data sent between client and server is not implemented. 我可以连接到简单的MS SQL数据库-所有人都成功打开了一个连接请求,但是,但是到MS SQL Azure却出现了错误:客户端和服务器之间发送的数据未实现SSL加密。

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Server=tcp:asz59ug1bl.database.windows.net,1433;Database=Mymd;User ID=myuser@asfe41241;Password=MyPwd;Trusted_Connection=True;Encrypt=True;"))
            connection.Open(); }

how to solve this problem? 如何解决这个问题呢?

a potential issue is your "Trusted_Connection=true" in your connection string. 潜在的问题是连接字符串中的“ Trusted_Connection = true”。 For SQL Azure, it is always adviced that users set FALSE for this parameter. 对于SQL Azure,始终建议用户对此参数设置为FALSE。 You can check out following resources for more information: 您可以查看以下资源以获取更多信息:

You may also want to add "TrustServerCertificate=false" to your connection string. 您可能还想在连接字符串中添加“ TrustServerCertificate = false”。

You can't access SQL Azure with mono, at least with 2.10. 您不能使用Mono(至少是2.10)访问SQL Azure。

Write a web or worker role on Windows Azure to provide access to your SQL Azure database and yeah, it will cost you $15 / month to do that - or use normal .NET on a windows machine and it will work fine. 在Windows Azure上写一个Web或worker角色以提供对SQL Azure数据库的访问权限,是的,这样做每月将花费您15美元-或在Windows计算机上使用正常的.NET,它将正常工作。

If anyone has made it work. 如果有人成功了。 I am eager to know which connection string has worked. 我很想知道哪个连接字符串起作用了。

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