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[英]Convert wchar_t to CFStringref

I have a wchar_t * that I need to use on a function that needs a CFStringref 我有一个wchar_t * ,我需要在需要CFStringref的函数上使用

I tried using CFStringCreateWithCharacters but I'm not getting anywhere with it. 我尝试使用CFStringCreateWithCharacters但我没有随处CFStringCreateWithCharacters

So, if I have: 所以,如果我有:

wchar_t * widecharvar = L"some value";
CFStringRef stringref;

How do I convert and copy widecharvar to stringref ? 如何将widecharvar转换并复制到stringref This value will be used in SecRequirementCreateWithString() 该值将在SecRequirementCreateWithString()

Thanks 谢谢

I'm doing this off the top of my head and memory; 我正在做我的头脑和记忆; if it has trouble, comment and I'll actually test it. 如果它有问题,评论,我会实际测试它。

// Check our byte order. Assuming we made the string as in your example
CFStringEncoding encoding = (CFByteOrderLittleEndian == CFByteOrderGetCurrent()) ? 
                              kCFStringEncodingUTF32LE : kCFStringEncodingUTF32BE;

int widecharvarLen = wcslen(widecharvar); 

CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, 
                                             (widecharvarLen * sizeof(wchar_t)),  

That last false means that string does not include a BOM (Byte Order Mark), which is the kind of string I assume you're dealing with. 最后一个false意味着字符串不包含BOM(字节顺序标记),这是我假设您正在处理的字符串。

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