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[英]Sorting grouped query in chronological order in LINQ query

The following LINQ query obtains the previous 12 months data and aggregates it by month. 以下LINQ查询获取前12个月的数据并按月汇总。

I'd like to order this in chronological order, with the current month being the most recent in the query. 我想按时间顺序排序,当前月份是查询中最近的月份。

What's the best way to achieve this? 实现此目标的最佳方法是什么?

public IEnumerable<EventMonthlySummaryMonthly> GetLastYearEventGrid()

            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).AddMilliseconds(1);

            var summary = from p in db.Events
                          where (p.StartDate > currentDate) && (p.StartDate != null)
                          let k = new
                              Month = p.StartDate.Month
                          group p by k into t
                          select new EventMonthlySummaryMonthly
                              Month = t.Key.Month,
                              EventsWhatsOn = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId == 1),
                              EventsRegular = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId == 2),
                              EventsExhibitions = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId == 3),
                              EventsAll = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId != null),

            return summary;

By sorting on the max date from the grouped month Descending. 通过对分组月份“降序”中的最大日期进行排序。 If the range spans several years this will give you the months that contains the latest dates first. 如果范围跨越数年,则将首先为您提供包含最新日期的月份。

orderby t.Max(p => p.StartDate) descending
select new EventMonthlySummaryMonthly
   Month = t.Key.Month,
   EventsWhatsOn = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId == 1),
   EventsRegular = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId == 2),
   EventsExhibitions = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId == 3),
   EventsAll = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId != null),
    public IEnumerable<EventMonthlySummaryMonthly> GetLastYearEventGrid()

        DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).AddMilliseconds(1);

        var summary = (from p in db.Events
                      where (p.StartDate > currentDate) && (p.StartDate != null)
                      let k = new
                          Month = p.StartDate.Month
                      group p by k into t
                      select new EventMonthlySummaryMonthly
                          Month = t.Key.Month,
                          EventsWhatsOn = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId == 1),
                          EventsRegular = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId == 2),
                          EventsExhibitions = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId == 3),
                          EventsAll = t.Count(p => p.EventTypeId != null),

        return summary;

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