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[英]C# how do you create a method that passes an array as an argument?

private bool DisplayErrorMessages(String array1[], String array2[])


private bool DisplayErrorMessages(String[] array1, String[] array2)

与C ++不同,在C#中,必须将方括号放在Type的末尾:

private bool DisplayErrorMessages(String[] array1, String[] array2)

As Rob showed, you've got your square brackets in the wrong place. 如Rob所示,您将方括号放在错误的位置。

However, you should understand that this isn't just about method parameters - it's everywhere you declare an array type variable. 但是,您应该了解,这不仅与方法参数有关- 遍历声明数组类型变量的任何地方 For example, local variables: 例如,局部变量:

// Valid
String[] x = null;

// Invalid
String x[] = null;

It makes more sense this way IMO - it puts all the type information in one place. IMO用这种方式更有意义-将所有类型信息放在一个地方。 Why would you want to specify it "around" the variable? 为什么在变量“周围”指定它? :) :)

See chapter 12 of the C# 4 spec for more about arrays in general, including "array types" (12.1). 有关数组的一般信息,请参见C#4规范的第12章,其中包括“数组类型”(12.1)。

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