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[英]How to find min-max occurrence of an element in xsd using xsom

I want to find out the minimum occurence maximm occurence of an xsd element using xsom of java.I got this code to find out complex elements.Can anyone help me in find out occurence of all the xsd element.Atlest give me a code snippet with the class and method to be used to find the occurrence 我想用java的xsom找出一个xsd元素的最小出现最大值。我得到了这段代码来找出复杂的元素。有人可以帮助我找出所有xsd元素的出现吗?用于查找事件的类和方法

xmlfile = "Calendar.xsd"
XSOMParser parser = new XSOMParser();

parser.parse(new File(xmlfile));
XSSchemaSet sset = parser.getResult();
XSSchema s = sset.getSchema(1);
if (s.getTargetNamespace().equals("")) // this is the ns with all the stuff
       // in
  // try ElementDecls
  Iterator jtr = s.iterateElementDecls();
  while (jtr.hasNext())
    XSElementDecl e = (XSElementDecl) jtr.next();
    System.out.print("got ElementDecls " + e.getName());
    // ok we've got a CALENDAR.. what next?
    // not this anyway
     * XSParticle[] particles = e.asElementDecl() for (final XSParticle p :
     * particles) { final XSTerm pterm = p.getTerm(); if
     * (pterm.isElementDecl()) { final XSElementDecl ed =
     * pterm.asElementDecl(); System.out.println(ed.getName()); }

  // try all Complex Types in schema
  Iterator<XSComplexType> ctiter = s.iterateComplexTypes();
  while (ctiter.hasNext())
    // this will be a eSTATUS. Lets type and get the extension to 
    // see its a ENUM
    XSComplexType ct = (XSComplexType) ctiter.next();
    String typeName = ct.getName();
    System.out.println(typeName + newline);

    // as Content
    XSContentType content = ct.getContentType();
    // now what?
    // as Partacle?
    XSParticle p2 = content.asParticle();
    if (null != p2)
      System.out.print("We got partical thing !" + newline);
      // might would be good if we got here but we never do :-(

    // try complex type Element Decs
    List<XSElementDecl> el = ct.getElementDecls();
    for (XSElementDecl ed : el)
      System.out.print("We got ElementDecl !" + ed.getName() + newline);
      // would be good if we got here but we never do :-(

    Collection<? extends XSAttributeUse> c = ct.getAttributeUses();
    Iterator<? extends XSAttributeUse> i = c.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
      XSAttributeDecl attributeDecl = i.next().getDecl();
      System.out.println("type: " + attributeDecl.getType());
      System.out.println("name:" + attributeDecl.getName());

Assuming you are referring to com.sun.xml.xsom, the occurrence is specific to a particle (elements are not the only particles). 假设您引用的是com.sun.xml.xsom,则该事件特定于一个粒子(元素不是唯一的粒子)。

Here are the APIs: maxOccurs and minOccurs 以下是API: maxOccursminOccurs

For one source to see how to traverse a schema tree using XSOM please take a look here . 有关如何使用XSOM遍历架构树的信息,请在此处查看 It shows basically how the visitor patterns works with XSOM (for which Sun built a package). 它基本显示了访客模式如何与XSOM(Sun为之构建了一个软件包)一起使用。

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