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如何使用C ++从图像采集卡进行数据采集

[英]how to use c++ to do data acquisition from frame grabber

We have an "MC1362 Camera" and an "Inspecta-5" frame grabber in our lab. 我们的实验室中有一个“ MC1362摄像机”和一个“ Inspecta-5”图像采集卡。 There is program in LABVIEW11 which gets the data from a frame grabber, however as the Labview is slow my supervisor has told me to write a program in c++ to get the data from the frame grabber. LABVIEW11中有一个程序可以从帧捕获器获取数据,但是由于Labview速度很慢,我的主管告诉我要用c ++编写程序以从帧捕获器获取数据。 I have no idea how to write a c++ program to connect to a frame grabber and do the data acquisition. 我不知道如何编写一个c ++程序以连接到帧捕获器并进行数据采集。 I know how to write software in c++, but have never tried programming to connect to hardware and read data from it. 我知道如何用C ++编写软件,但从未尝试过编程以连接到硬件并从中读取数据。 Is there any specific library or framework which can help me, or any tutorial? 是否有任何可以帮助我的特定库或框架,或者有任何教程? Please, if anybody knows, help me in this matter. 如果有人知道,请在这件事上帮助我。

Update :just to add, we are doing medical image analysis, and a laser illuminate a subject, so camera will take pictures and pass it to the computer. 更新 :仅此而已,我们正在进行医学图像分析,并且激光照亮了一个对象,因此相机将拍摄照片并将其传递给计算机。 I need to grab the pictures and analysis them. 我需要抓起图片并对它们进行分析。

You basically have a couple of options, 您基本上有两种选择,

1 see if there is an SDK for the grabber card, if there is this is usually easier then option 2 but is of course restricted to work with that grabber or familly of grabber cards, we do it this way with the eurysys grabber cards. 1看看是否有用于采集卡的SDK,如果有,通常比选择2更容易,但是当然仅限于与该采集卡或全系列采集卡一起使用,我们可以使用eurysys采集卡来实现。

2 assuming you are running on a windows platform, implement a DirectShow filtergraph and write your own ouput filter to get the data, the SDK for DirectShow is quiet good and has many examples. 2假设您在Windows平台上运行,实现DirectShow过滤器图并编写自己的输出过滤器以获取数据,则DirectShow的SDK非常好,并包含许多示例。 This approach is far more flexible and you should be able to use a number of grabber but its also alot more complex, we do it this way for USB / some other inbuilt grabbers. 这种方法要灵活得多,您应该可以使用多个采集卡,但也要复杂得多,我们对USB /其他内置采集卡采用这种方式。

Our software is done in Delphi 7 but its just importing DLLs, for C++ should be no problem and most SDK's are written round C++ anyway. 我们的软件是在Delphi 7中完成的,但是对于C ++来说,它只需导入DLL就没有问题,而且大多数SDK都是以C ++编写的。

I know its not much but its a place to start. 我知道它不多,但它是一个起点。

Update Just done a quick Google search and there is an SDK for that Grabber and on first looks its seams fairly straight forward. 更新刚刚做了一个快速的Google搜索,并且有一个适用于Grabber的SDK,乍一看它的接缝相当简单。

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