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[英]How can you write the following Rails Query in SQL?

I have the following Rails Query: 我有以下Rails查询:

Org.find(:all).each do |org|
    Org.update_counters org.id, :users_count => org.users.length

For various reasons, like performance, I need to write this in SQL, so I can execute SQL, and not user Rails to make the update. 由于各种原因,比如性能,我需要在SQL中编写它,因此我可以执行SQL,而不是用户Rails来进行更新。 Any ideas how combing the rails loger into sql is possible? 任何想法如何将rails loger组合到sql中?

Thanks 谢谢

This: 这个:

Org.update_counters org.id, :users_count => org.users.length

Basically does this: 基本上这样做:

update orgs
set users_count = coalesce(users_count, 0) + #{org.users.length}
where id = #{org.id}

Unrolling one step: 展开一步:

update orgs
set users_count = coalesce(users_count, 0)
                + (select count(*) from org_users where org_id = #{org.id})
where id = #{org.id}

Now you've wrapped that in an Org.find(:all).each so we just have to push the iteration into the SQL and deal with #{org.id} : 现在你已经将它包装在一个Org.find(:all).each所以我们只需将迭代推送到SQL并处理#{org.id}

update orgs o
set users_count = coalesce(users_count, 0)
                + (select count(*) from org_users ou where ou.org_id = o.id)

And if you really mean to set the users_count values rather than increment them: 如果您真的要设置 users_count值而不是增加它们:

update orgs o
set users_count = (select count(*) from org_users ou where ou.org_id = o.id)

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