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[英]Convert a String to floating point number in java

I'm trying to convert the string pprice to a floating point number. 我正在尝试将字符串pprice转换为浮点数。 However, the object's price attribute(floating pt type) is setting as 0.00.. Can someone pls tell me what's wrong? 但是,对象的价格属性(浮动pt类型)设置为0.00 ..有人可以告诉我有什么问题吗?

String pprice="60.0"
String tokens[]=pprice.split(".");
    int a=Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);
    int b=Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
    float a1=(float)a;
    float b1=(float)b;
    Float price=a1+(b1/100);
else if(tokens.length==1)
    int a=Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);
    float a1=(float)a;


Your problem is here: 你的问题在这里:

    String tokens[]=pprice.split(".");

The argument to split is a regular expression, and "." split的参数是正则表达式,“。” is a regular expression that matches any single character . 是一个匹配任何单个字符的正则表达式。 To match only the dot, you need to escape it with a backslash, and since the backslash is also special, you need to double it. 要仅匹配点,您需要使用反斜杠将其转义,并且由于反斜杠也是特殊的,因此您需要将其加倍。

    String tokens[]=pprice.split("\\.");

Change that and your code should work. 改变它,你的代码应该工作。

You'd probably be better off using one of the parse methods mentioned in the other answers. 你可能最好使用其他答案中提到的解析方法之一。

Let's try float.parseFloat("60.0"); 我们来试试float.parseFloat("60.0"); or Double.parseDouble("60.0"); Double.parseDouble("60.0");

Why don't you use something like: 你为什么不用这样的东西:

float price = Float.valueOf(pprice.trim());

(equivalent to Float.parseFloat(string)) (相当于Float.parseFloat(string))

float urfloat=Float.parseFloat(String string)

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