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Drupal 7:将字段打印到node--type.tpl.php文件中的区域

[英]Drupal 7: print field to region in node--type.tpl.php file

In Drupal 6, it was so easy to print content to an existing region using the following: 在Drupal 6中,使用以下命令将内容打印到现有区域非常容易:

  drupal_set_content('left-sidebar', $field_MY_FIELD_rendered);

I've been searching and searching for how to do this in Drupal 7 after finding out drupal_add_region_content() doesn't work and I'm at a loss. 在发现drupal_add_region_content()不起作用并且感到茫然之后,我一直在Drupal 7中搜索并搜索如何执行此操作。

I can get the exact output I'm looking for using $output = render($content['field_MY_FIELD']); 我可以使用$output = render($content['field_MY_FIELD']);获得所需的确切输出$output = render($content['field_MY_FIELD']); , but I see no way to output that to a block without having to write a hook in a separate module or some such thing. ,但是我看不到不必在单独的模块中编写钩子或类似的东西将其输出到块的方法。

Any ideas on how to output $output to a region using node--type.tpl.php? 关于如何使用node--type.tpl.php将$ output输出到区域的任何想法?

Thanks in advance, 提前致谢,



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