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Arbor Js - 节点Onclick?

[英]Arbor Js - Node Onclick?

I'm using arbor.js to create a graph. 我正在使用arbor.js来创建图表。

How do I create an onclick event for a node, or make a node link somewhere upon being clicked? 如何为节点创建onclick事件,或在单击时在某处创建节点链接?

The Arborjs.org homepage has nodes which link to external pages upon being clicked, how do I replicate this, or make the node call javascript function upon being clicked? Arborjs.org主页有节点,点击后链接到外部页面,如何复制,或点击节点调用javascript函数?

My current node and edges listing is in this format: 我当前的节点和边缘列表采用以下格式:

var data = {
        threadstarter:{ reply1:{}, reply2:{} }

A bit of context: I'm using arbor.js to create a graph of thread starters and replies on my forum. 一点上下文:我正在使用arbor.js在我的论坛上创建一个线程启动器和回复的图表。 I've got it working so that id's are displayed 'in orbit' around their respective thread starter. 我已经让它工作,以便id在各自的线程启动器周围显示“在轨道上”。

The reference on the arbor site is really not very helpful. 乔木网站上的参考实际上并不是很有帮助。 Any help is much appreciated. 任何帮助深表感谢。

If you look at the atlas demo code (in github ) you will see towards the bottom there are a selection of mouse event functions, if you look at: 如果你看一下atlas演示代码(在github中 ),你会看到底部有一系列鼠标事件函数,如果你看一下:

            var pos = $(this).offset();
            var p = {x:e.pageX-pos.left, y:e.pageY-pos.top}
            selected = nearest = dragged = particleSystem.nearest(p);

            if (selected.node !== null){
            // dragged.node.tempMass = 10000
                dragged.node.fixed = true;
            return false;

This is being used to control the default node "dragging" functionality. 这用于控制默认节点“拖动”功能。 In here you can trigger the link you want. 在这里,您可以触发所需的链接。

I would add the link URL to the node json that you are passing back to define each node, so your original JSON posted becomes something like: 我将链接URL添加到您传回的节点json以定义每个节点,因此您发布的原始JSON变为类似于:

reply1:{'color':'green','shape':'dot','label':'dog', link:'http://stackoverflow.com'},
reply2:{'color':'blue','shape':'dot','label':'cat', link:'http://stackoverflow.com'}

Then, you can update the mouseDown method to trigger the link (the current node in the mouse down method is "selected" so you can pull out the link like selected.node.data.link 然后,您可以更新mouseDown方法以触发链接(鼠标按下方法中的当前节点被“选中”,因此您可以拉出像selected.node.data.link这样的链接

If you look at the original source for the arbor site to see how they have done it, they have a clicked function that is called on mouseDown event and then essentially does: 如果您查看arbor站点的原始源以查看它们是如何完成的,则它们具有一个在mouseDown事件上调用的单击函数,然后基本上执行:

 $(that).trigger({type:"navigate", path:selected.node.data.link})

(edited for your purposes) (为您的目的编辑)

It is worth noting that whilst the Arbor framework and demos are open for use, their site isnt and is actually copyrighted, so only read that to see how they have done it, dont copy it ;) 值得注意的是,虽然Arbor框架和演示是开放使用的,但他们的网站并不是实际受版权保护的,所以只读它看看他们是如何做到的,不要复制它;)

With the above solutions (including the one implemented at www.arborjs.org ) although nodes can open links when clicked, they also lose their ability to be dragged . 使用上述解决方案(包括在www.arborjs.org上实施的解决方案)虽然节点可以在点击时打开链接,但它们也失去了被拖动的能力

Based on a this question , that discusses how to distinguish between dragging and clicking events in JS, I wrote the following: 基于这个问题 ,讨论如何区分JS中的拖动和点击事件,我写了以下内容:

    // no-nonsense drag and drop (thanks springy.js)
    selected = null;
    nearest = null;
    var dragged = null;
    var oldmass = 1
    var mouse_is_down = false;
    var mouse_is_moving = false

    // set up a handler object that will initially listen for mousedowns then
    // for moves and mouseups while dragging
    var handler = {
          var pos = $(canvas).offset();
          _mouseP = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top)
          nearest = particleSystem.nearest(_mouseP);

          if (!nearest.node) return false
          selected = (nearest.distance < 50) ? nearest : null
          if(selected && selected.node.data.link){
          } else {
        return false
        var pos = $(canvas).offset();
        _mouseP = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top)
        nearest = particleSystem.nearest(_mouseP);

        if (!nearest.node) return false
        selected = (nearest.distance < 50) ? nearest : null

        if (nearest && selected && nearest.node===selected.node){
          var link = selected.node.data.link
          if (link.match(/^#/)){
             $(that).trigger({type:"navigate", path:link.substr(1)})
             window.open(link, "_blank")
          return false
        var pos = $(canvas).offset();
        _mouseP = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top)
        selected = nearest = dragged = particleSystem.nearest(_mouseP);

        if (dragged.node !== null) dragged.node.fixed = true

        mouse_is_down = true
        mouse_is_moving = false

        $(canvas).bind('mousemove', handler.dragged)
        $(window).bind('mouseup', handler.dropped)

        return false
        var old_nearest = nearest && nearest.node._id
        var pos = $(canvas).offset();
        var s = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top)

        mouse_is_moving = true

        if (!nearest) return
        if (dragged !== null && dragged.node !== null){
          var p = particleSystem.fromScreen(s)
          dragged.node.p = p

        return false

        if (dragged===null || dragged.node===undefined) return
        if (dragged.node !== null) dragged.node.fixed = false
        dragged.node.tempMass = 50
        dragged = null
        selected = null
        $(canvas).unbind('mousemove', handler.dragged)
        $(window).unbind('mouseup', handler.dropped)
        _mouseP = null

          // console.log("was_dragged")
        } else {

        mouse_is_down = false

        return false



As you can see, 如你看到的,

  • I made a difference between the clicked and mousedown handler functions. 我在clicked和mousedown处理函数之间做了一些区别。
  • I am opening links in new tabs. 我在新标签中打开链接。 To simply redirect, change: window.open(link, "_blank") for 要简单地重定向,请更改:window.open(link,“_ blank”)
    window.location = link. window.location = link。
  • The above must replace your previous initMouseHandling function in the renderer.js file. 以上必须替换renderer.js文件中以前的initMouseHandling函数。
  • Define "dom" as: var dom = $(canvas) 将“dom”定义为:var dom = $(canvas)
  • You have to add the following css code to give feedback to the user. 您必须添加以下css代码才能向用户提供反馈。
   cursor: pointer;

In the script renderer.js is the handler for the mouse events, so you can add your code to create your functions. 在脚本中, renderer.js是鼠标事件的处理程序,因此您可以添加代码来创建函数。

I modified the renderer.js to add the click and double-click functions. 我修改了renderer.js以添加单击和双击功能。

var handler = {
        var pos = $(canvas).offset();
        _mouseP = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top)
        selected = nearest = dragged = particleSystem.nearest(_mouseP);
        if (dragged.node !== null) dragged.node.fixed = true
        $(canvas).bind('mousemove', handler.dragged)
        $(window).bind('mouseup', handler.dropped)
        $(canvas).bind('mouseup', handler.mypersonalfunction)
        if (dragged===null || dragged.node===undefined) return
        if (dragged.node !== null){
            dragged.node.fixed = false                  
            var id=dragged.node.name;
            alert('Node selected: ' + id);
        return false

You can check the clic and double-click functions in this page . 您可以在此页面中查看clic和双击功能。

I add nodes and edges when a node has been clicked and I add edges to other nodes when the node has been double-clicked (the blue , yellow and green ones) 单击节点时添加节点和边,并在双击节点时将边添加到其他节点( blueyellowgreen

I´m looking for similar customization for selection over each node id value. 我正在寻找类似的自定义选择每个节点id值。 How would it be if instead of mouse-handler trigger, the selection was made via checkbox inside each node? 如果不是鼠标处理程序触发器,那么如何通过每个节点内的复选框进行选择?

<input type=checkbox name=mycheckbox[]>

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