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[英]Datatype to Store Longitude/Latitude in Mysql


Trying to use: 试图使用:

INSERT INTO table(fanDetLocZip, fanDetLocCity, fanDetLocState, fanDetLocLat, fanDetLocLong, fanDetLocTZ, fanDetLocDST)  
VALUES(00210, 'Portsmouth', 'NH', '43.005895', '-71.013202', -5, 1);

I'm currently using the datatype SPATIAL , GEOMETRY . 我目前正在使用数据类型SPATIALGEOMETRY

Its giving me errors like: 它给我的错误如下:

Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field 无法从发送到GEOMETRY字段的数据中获取几何对象

All the values have 2 digits, and 6 decimal places after decimal. 所有值都有2位数,小数点后6位小数。 How do I store this in mysql? 我如何将其存储在mysql中?

Error I get when I use: 我使用时遇到错误:
INSERT INTO Table(fanDetLocZip, fanDetLocCity, fanDetLocState, fanDetLocLatLong, fanDetLocTZ, fanDetLocDST)
VALUES(00210, 'Portsmouth', 'NH', point(43.005895,-71.013202), -5,1)

Error Image: 错误图片: IMG5

You can use POINT() to store into a column of type GEOMETRY or POINT : 您可以使用POINT()存储到GEOMETRYPOINT类型的列中:

POINT(43.005895, -71.013202)

If the Geometry column is named geom , you can use this: 如果Geometry列名为geom ,则可以使用:

    ( ..., geom, ...) 
    ( ..., POINT(43.005895, -71.013202), ...)

If you want to show data stored, you can use the X() and Y() functions: 如果要显示存储的数据,可以使用X()Y()函数:

SELECT X(geom) AS x, Y(geom) AS y
FROM table 

为什么不使用Float类型作为lat / long?

Float (10,6)

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