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从日期 PHP 获取周数(在一年中)

[英]Get week number (in the year) from a date PHP

I want to take a date and work out its week number.我想约会并计算出它的周数。

So far, I have the following.到目前为止,我有以下内容。 It is returning 24 when it should be 42.当它应该是 42 时,它返回 24。

$ddate = "2012-10-18";
$duedt = explode("-",$ddate);
$date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $duedt[2], $duedt[1],$duedt[0]);
$week = (int)date('W', $date);
echo "Weeknummer: ".$week;

Is it wrong and a coincidence that the digits are reversed?数字颠倒是错的还是巧合? Or am I nearly there?还是我快到了?

Today, using PHP's DateTime objects is better:今天,使用 PHP 的DateTime对象更好:

$ddate = "2012-10-18";
$date = new DateTime($ddate);
$week = $date->format("W");
echo "Weeknummer: $week";

It's because in mktime() , it goes like this:这是因为在mktime() ,它是这样的:

mktime(hour, minute, second, month, day, year);

Hence, your order is wrong.因此,您的订单是错误的。

$ddate = "2012-10-18";
$duedt = explode("-", $ddate);
$date  = mktime(0, 0, 0, $duedt[1], $duedt[2], $duedt[0]);
$week  = (int)date('W', $date);
echo "Weeknummer: " . $week;
$date_string = "2012-10-18";
echo "Weeknummer: " . date("W", strtotime($date_string));

Use PHP's date function使用 PHP 的日期函数
http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php

date("W", $yourdate)

This get today date then tell the week number for the week这得到今天的日期然后告诉一周的周数

 echo $date." Week Number";

Just as a suggestion:就像一个建议:

<?php echo date("W", strtotime("2012-10-18")); ?>

Might be a little simpler than all that lot.可能比所有这些都简单一点。

Other things you could do:你可以做的其他事情:

<?php echo date("Weeknumber: W", strtotime("2012-10-18 01:00:00")); ?>
<?php echo date("Weeknumber: W", strtotime($MY_DATE)); ?>

I have tried to solve this question for years now, I thought I found a shorter solution but had to come back again to the long story.多年来我一直试图解决这个问题,我以为我找到了一个更短的解决方案,但不得不再次回到长篇大论。 This function gives back the right ISO week notation:此函数返回正确的 ISO 周表示法:

 * calcweek("2018-12-31") => 1901
 * This function calculates the production weeknumber according to the start on 
 * monday and with at least 4 days in the new year. Given that the $date has
 * the following format Y-m-d then the outcome is and integer.
 * @author M.S.B. Bachus
 * @param date-notation PHP "Y-m-d" showing the data as yyyy-mm-dd
 * @return integer
function calcweek($date) {
  // 1. Convert input to $year, $month, $day
  $dateset      = strtotime($date);
  $year         = date("Y", $dateset);
  $month        = date("m", $dateset);
  $day          = date("d", $dateset);

  $referenceday = getdate(mktime(0,0,0, $month, $day, $year));
  $jan1day      = getdate(mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$referenceday[year]));

  // 2. check if $year is a  leapyear
  if ( ($year%4==0 && $year%100!=0) || $year%400==0) {
    $leapyear = true;
  } else {
    $leapyear = false;

  // 3. check if $year-1 is a  leapyear
  if ( (($year-1)%4==0 && ($year-1)%100!=0) || ($year-1)%400==0 ) {
    $leapyearprev = true;
  } else {
    $leapyearprev = false;

  // 4. find the dayofyearnumber for y m d
  $mnth = array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334);
  $dayofyearnumber = $day + $mnth[$month-1];
  if ( $leapyear && $month > 2 ) { $dayofyearnumber++; }

  // 5. find the jan1weekday for y (monday=1, sunday=7)
  $yy = ($year-1)%100;
  $c  = ($year-1) - $yy;
  $g  = $yy + intval($yy/4);
  $jan1weekday = 1+((((intval($c/100)%4)*5)+$g)%7);

  // 6. find the weekday for y m d
  $h = $dayofyearnumber + ($jan1weekday-1);
  $weekday = 1+(($h-1)%7);

  // 7. find if y m d falls in yearnumber y-1, weeknumber 52 or 53
  $foundweeknum = false;
  if ( $dayofyearnumber <= (8-$jan1weekday) && $jan1weekday > 4 ) {
    $yearnumber = $year - 1;
    if ( $jan1weekday = 5 || ( $jan1weekday = 6 && $leapyearprev )) {
      $weeknumber = 53;
    } else {
      $weeknumber = 52;
    $foundweeknum = true;
  } else {
    $yearnumber = $year;

  // 8. find if y m d falls in yearnumber y+1, weeknumber 1
  if ( $yearnumber == $year && !$foundweeknum) {
    if ( $leapyear ) {
      $i = 366;
    } else {
      $i = 365;
    if ( ($i - $dayofyearnumber) < (4 - $weekday) ) {
      $yearnumber = $year + 1;
      $weeknumber = 1;
      $foundweeknum = true;

  // 9. find if y m d falls in yearnumber y, weeknumber 1 through 53
  if ( $yearnumber == $year && !$foundweeknum ) {
    $j = $dayofyearnumber + (7 - $weekday) + ($jan1weekday - 1);
    $weeknumber = intval( $j/7 );
    if ( $jan1weekday > 4 ) { $weeknumber--; }

  // 10. output iso week number (YYWW)
  return ($yearnumber-2000)*100+$weeknumber;

I found out that my short solution missed the 2018-12-31 as it gave back 1801 instead of 1901. So I had to put in this long version which is correct.我发现我的简短解决方案错过了 2018-12-31,因为它返回了 1801 而不是 1901。所以我不得不输入这个正确的长版本。

To get the week number for a date in North America I do like this:要获取北美日期的周数,我这样做:

function week_number($n)
    $w = date('w', $n);
    return 1 + date('z', $n + (6 - $w) * 24 * 3600) / 7;

$n = strtotime('2022-12-27');
printf("%s: %d\n", date('D Y-m-d', $n), week_number($n));

and get:并得到:

Tue 2022-12-27: 53

The most of the above given examples create a problem when a year has 53 weeks (like 2020).当一年有 53 周(如 2020 年)时,上面给出的大多数示例都会产生问题。 So every fourth year you will experience a week difference.所以每四年你都会经历一周的差异。 This code does not:此代码不会:

$thisYear = "2020";
$thisDate = "2020-04-24"; //or any other custom date
$weeknr = date("W", strtotime($thisDate)); //when you want the weeknumber of a specific week, or just enter the weeknumber yourself

$tempDatum = new DateTime();
$tempDatum->setISODate($thisYear, $weeknr);
$tempDatum_start = $tempDatum->format('Y-m-d');
$tempDatum->setISODate($thisYear, $weeknr, 7);
$tempDatum_end = $tempDatum->format('Y-m-d');

echo $tempDatum_start //will output the date of monday
echo $tempDatum_end // will output the date of sunday

How about using the IntlGregorianCalendar class?如何使用IntlGregorianCalendar类?

Requirements : Before you start to use IntlGregorianCalendar make sure that libicu or pecl/intl is installed on the Server.要求:在开始使用IntlGregorianCalendar之前,请确保服务器上安装了libicupecl/intl So run on the CLI:所以在 CLI 上运行:

php -m

If you see intl in the [PHP Modules] list, then you can use IntlGregorianCalendar .如果您在[PHP Modules]列表中看到intl ,那么您可以使用IntlGregorianCalendar

DateTime vs IntlGregorianCalendar : IntlGregorianCalendar is not better then DateTime . DateTime 与 IntlGregorianCalendarIntlGregorianCalendar并不比DateTime But the good thing about IntlGregorianCalendar is that it will give you the week number as an int .但是IntlGregorianCalendar是它会给你周数作为int


$dateTime = new DateTime('21-09-2020 09:00:00');
echo $dateTime->format("W"); // string '39'

$intlCalendar = IntlCalendar::fromDateTime ('21-09-2020 09:00:00');
echo $intlCalendar->get(IntlCalendar::FIELD_WEEK_OF_YEAR); // integer 39
$ddate = "2012-10-18";
$duedt = explode("-",$ddate);
$date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $duedt[1], $duedt[2],$duedt[0]);
$week = (int)date('W', $date);
echo "Weeknummer: ".$week;

You had the params to mktime wrong - needs to be Month/Day/Year, not Day/Month/Year你对 mktime 的参数有误 - 需要是月/日/年,而不是日/月/年

To get Correct Week Count for Date 2018-12-31 Please use below Code要获得日期 2018-12-31 的正确周数,请使用以下代码

$day_count = date('N',strtotime('2018-12-31'));
$week_count = date('W',strtotime('2018-12-31'));    

if($week_count=='01' && date('m',strtotime('2018-12-31'))==12){
    $yr_count = date('y',strtotime('2018-12-31')) + 1;
    $yr_count = date('y',strtotime('2018-12-31'));

for get week number in jalai calendar you can use this:要在jalai 日历中获取周数,您可以使用:

$weeknumber = date("W"); //number week in year
$dayweek = date("w"); //number day in week
if ($dayweek == "6")
    $weeknumberint = (int)$weeknumber;
    $weeknumber = (string)$date2int;

echo $date2;



week number change in saturday周六周数变化

Becomes more difficult when you need year and week.当您需要一年和一周时,会变得更加困难。
Try to find out which week is 01.01.2017.试着找出哪一周是 01.01.2017。
(It is the 52nd week of 2016, which is from Mon 26.12.2016 - Sun 01.01.2017). (这是 2016 年的第 52 周,从周一 26.12.2016 到周日 01.01.2017)。

After a longer search I found经过长时间的搜索,我发现


Result: 2016-52结果:2016-52

https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.strftime.php https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.strftime.php
ISO-8601:1988 week number of the given year, starting with the first week of the year with at least 4 weekdays, with Monday being the start of the week. ISO-8601:1988 给定年份的周数,从一年的第一周开始,至少有 4 个工作日,星期一是一周的开始。 (01 through 53) (01 到 53)

The equivalent in mysql is DATE_FORMAT(date, '%x-%v') https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_mysql_date_format.asp mysql 中的等价物是 DATE_FORMAT(date, '%x-%v') https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_mysql_date_format.asp
Week where Monday is the first day of the week (01 to 53).星期一是一周的第一天的周(01 到 53)。

Could not find a corresponding solution with date() or DateTime.无法使用 date() 或 DateTime 找到相应的解决方案。
At least not without solutions like "+1day, last monday".至少不是没有像“+1day,上周一”这样的解决方案。

Very simple Just one line:非常简单 只需一行:

<?php $date=date("W"); echo "Week " . $date; ?>"

You can also, for example like I needed for a graph, subtract to get the previous week like:您还可以,例如,像我需要的图表一样,减去以获得前一周,例如:

<?php $date=date("W"); echo "Week " . ($date - 1); ?>

The rule is that the first week of a year is the week that contains the first Thursday of the year.规则是一年的第一周是包含一年的第一个星期四的那一周。

I personally use Zend_Date for this kind of calculation and to get the week for today is this simple.我个人使用 Zend_Date 进行这种计算,获得今天的星期就是这么简单。 They have a lot of other useful functions if you work with dates.如果您使用日期,它们还有许多其他有用的功能。

$now = Zend_Date::now();
$week = $now->get(Zend_Date::WEEK);
// 10

Your code will work but you need to flip the 4th and the 5th argument.您的代码将起作用,但您需要翻转第 4 个和第 5 个参数。

I would do it this way我会这样做

$date_string = "2012-10-18";
$date_int = strtotime($date_string);
$date_date = date($date_int);
$week_number = date('W', $date_date);
echo "Weeknumber: {$week_number}.";

Also, your variable names will be confusing to you after a week of not looking at that code, you should consider reading http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/why-youre-a-bad-php-programmer/此外,在一周不查看该代码后,您的变量名称会让您感到困惑,您应该考虑阅读http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/why-youre-a-bad-php-programmer/

function last_monday($date) 
    if (!is_numeric($date))
        $date = strtotime($date);
    if (date('w', $date) == 1)
        return $date;
        return date('Y-m-d',strtotime('last monday',$date));
$date = '2021-01-04';  //Enter custom date
$year = date('Y',strtotime($date));
$date1 = new DateTime($date);
$ldate = last_monday($year."-01-01");
$date2 = new DateTime($ldate);
$diff = $date2->diff($date1)->format("%a");
$diff = $diff/7;
$week = intval($diff) + 1;
echo $week;
//Returns 2.


date( 'W', strtotime( "2017-01-01 + 1 day" ) );

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