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[英]How to create SQL query

I have data(result / output) in a table like this: 我在这样的表中有数据(结果/输出):

Project code  project name    associates                   time efforts in days
1             Analytics       amol,manisha,sayali,pooja    (21+17+20+17)=57

I need to calculate the time efforts in days. 我需要以天为单位计算时间。 I have done it for February and I have added each persons days he has worked in that month. 我已经完成了2月的工作,并增加了他在该月工作的每个工作日。 I mean I have all days minus absentee of any day of all associates. 我的意思是,我的所有员工全天都缺勤。

So, I need to do this by SQL queries. 因此,我需要通过SQL查询来执行此操作。

I have one table which contains all the associates present with dates. 我有一张表,其中包含与日期一起显示的所有关联。

Like this: 像这样:

UID username date

So can any one give me a suggestion how I could do this? 那么有人可以给我一个建议,我该怎么做?

It will be a better design to have a separate table to store projectid, team member id and his/her efforts in days. 最好有一个单独的表来存储projectid,团队成员id及其在几天内的工作。 so that you can write a simple join query to achieve what you want. 这样您就可以编写一个简单的联接查询来实现所需的功能。

Here is what I would do. 这就是我要做的。 Change you tables so you have: 更改表格,以便:

projects 专案

project_code  project_name
1             Analytics   

users 使用者

UID username date
1   amol
2   manisha
3   sayali

projects_users projects_users

project_code  uid    effort
1             1      21
1             2      17
1             3      20

Now you can query the result you asked for like this: 现在,您可以像这样查询所需的结果:

  GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT u.username SEPARATOR ', ') AS associates,
  SUM(pu.effort) effort 
JOIN users AS u
JOIN projects_users AS pu
FROM projects p
GROUP BY project_code

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