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[英]Predictive Monitoring (Nagios?)

i am searching for a predictive monitoring solution which is actually free and able to discover trends. 我正在寻找一种预测性的监控解决方案,该解决方案实际上是免费的并且能够发现趋势。 I've been reading about a lot of monitoring software like Zabbix, Zenoss, OpenNMS etc. but it doesnt seem that any of these are able to discover trends (eg the used memory of a webapplication increases from day to day)... 我一直在阅读有关诸如Zabbix,Zenoss,OpenNMS等许多监视软件的信息,但似乎其中没有一个能够发现趋势(例如,Web应用程序的使用内存每天都在增加)...

We are currently monitoring our systems with Nagios, but as everyone knows, Nagios is perfect to monitor stuff but not pretty good at analyzing/reporting... 我们目前正在使用Nagios监视我们的系统,但是众所周知,Nagios非常适合监视内容,但是在分析/报告方面却不太好...

Is there a way to implement predictive monitoring at the moment? 目前有没有办法实施预测性监控? Like the monitoring software is able to discover trends and throws an alert before something gets to a critical point? 像监控软件能够发现趋势并事情达到关键点之前发出警报吗?

Thanks in advance and sry for my poor english! 在此先感谢您说我的英语不好!

Greets, Marley 问候,马利

Well, i have been waiting quiet a while now and it seems not even Stackoverflow is able to help. 好吧,我已经静静地等待了一段时间,而且看来Stackoverflow也无法提供帮助。

I decided to gave up on this and hope for Zabbix to implement the feature within 2012.. They said it might be released with version 2.2 我决定放弃这一点,希望Zabbix在2012年内实现该功能。他们说该功能可能会在2.2版中发布。

:(! :(!


Take look at www.opservices.com.br. 请访问www.opservices.com.br。 It's nagios based and have predictive baseline monitoring and alarming. 它是基于nagios的,具有预测性基线监视和警报功能。

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