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[英]How to parameterize complex OleDB queries?

I'm trying to refactor some code that is using strings concatenation for creating SQL commands (which makes it vulnerable for a SQL injection). 我正在尝试重构一些使用字符串连接来创建SQL命令的代码(这使它容易受到SQL注入的攻击)。 Basically all I'm trying to do is to replace all the string sqlToExecute = String.Format(..) statements with a SQL command and a List of OleDB parameters. 基本上,我要做的就是用SQL命令和OleDB参数列表替换所有string sqlToExecute = String.Format(..)语句。

I understand how this can be done for simple cases like String.Format("Select * from myTable where id = {0}", id) . 我了解如何在String.Format("Select * from myTable where id = {0}", id)类的简单情况下完成此操作。 However, I could not find a set of good examples for more complex SQL queries. 但是,对于复杂的SQL查询,我找不到一组好的示例。

Here are some of the queries that I'm not sure how exactly I can parameterize: 以下是一些不确定参数的查询:

1. Parameters are used for both column name and alias; 1.参数用于列名和别名; Parameter consists of two variables: 参数包含两个变量:

    selQueryBldr.AppendFormat("SELECT * FROM {0} {1} 
    INNER JOIN ColChange CC ON CC.TableRecordID = {1}.{2} and CC.EntityID='{3}'",
    entity.StageTableName, stageTableAlias, entity.PrimaryKey, entity.EntityID);

2. Same parameter is used in multiple SQL IN clauses 2.在多个SQL IN子句中使用相同的参数

SQL Query: SQL查询:

      SELECT A.TablePrefix ...
      FROM Entity E
      INNER JOIN App A
      ON A.AppID = E.AppID
      WHERE E.AppID in (#APPIDS#)


      SELECT A.TablePrefix ...
      FROM EntityB EB
      INNER JOIN App A
      ON A.AppID = EB.AppID
      WHERE EB.AppID in (#APPIDS#)

Currently the parameter is added in the code by using String.Replace() method: 当前,使用String.Replace()方法将参数添加到代码中:

    sqlQuery = sqlQuery.Replace("#APPIDS#",idList);

3. Using variables as a parameter name and a parameter value: 3.使用变量作为参数名称和参数值:

    StringBuilder dataQuery = new StringBuilder("Select * from {0} WHERE {1}='{2}'",
    tableName, primaryKey[0], changeRow["TableRecordID"]);

4. Variable used a part of the unicode parameter: 4.变量使用了unicode参数的一部分:

    sSQL = string.Format("SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[{0}]')",

Also, all of these examples are using OleDb classes (OleDbConnection/OleDbCommand etc.), thus as far as I understand named parameters can not be used here. 同样,所有这些示例都使用OleDb类(OleDbConnection / OleDbCommand等),因此据我了解,此处不能使用命名参数。

Different back-ends allow (or not) either named parameters, or "?" 不同的后端允许(或不允许)命名参数或“?” place-holders for parameters, so what you would do is build your query something like 参数的占位符,所以您要做的是构建查询,例如

OleDbCommand oCmd = new OleDbCommand( YourConnection, "select * from someTable where yourColumn = ? and otherColumn = ?" );

oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "parm1", YourVariable.FormattedHoweverNeeded );
oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "parm2", anotherVariable.FormattedHoweverNeeded );

If the columns are expecting strings, ensure a string. 如果列需要字符串,请确保字符串。 If expecting numeric (int, double, float, etc), leave as that type too, or other (date/time, etc) 如果期望数字(int,double,float等),则也保留该类型,否则保留其他类型(日期/时间等)

Just note... if not doing named parameters (as I have with "?" place-holder), the parameters must be added in the same sequence as the "?" 只是注意...如果不执行命名参数(如“?”占位符一样),则必须按与“?”相同的顺序添加参数 are placed in the SQL command. 放在SQL命令中。

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