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升级到Rails 3.2.2和Devise 2.0.4之后,注销不会破坏会话

[英]After upgrading to Rails 3.2.2 and Devise 2.0.4, logout does not destroy session

After upgrading my rails project to rails 3.2.2 and Devise 2.0.4, I am no longer able to logout. 将Rails项目升级到Rails 3.2.2和Devise 2.0.4后,我不再能够注销。 I am not experiencing this issue ; 我没有遇到这个问题 instead, clicking logout does not properly leave me in a logged-out state, the user object is still valid and there is still a current_user. 相反,单击注销并不能使我正确地处于注销状态,该用户对象仍然有效,并且仍然有current_user。 Here is what is in my logs: 这是我的日志中的内容:

Started DELETE "/users/sign_out" for at 2012-03-16 20:54:56 -0400
Processing by Devise::SessionsController#destroy as */*
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/
Completed 302 Found in 1ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

So, it's being routed correctly. 因此,它的路由正确。 I attempted to reinstall devise with no luck. 我尝试重新安装装置,但没有运气。

In my attempts to debug, I inserted the line: 在尝试调试时,我插入了以下行:

= session.inspect

Into my template. 进入我的模板。 What I found is the following: 我发现以下内容:

{"session_id"=>"XXXXXXXXXX4b2aa9600eb3bee9921e05", "warden.user.user.key"=>["User", [1], "$2a$10$3/l/XXXXXXXXXXdhS.KCRe"], "_csrf_token"=>"XXXXXXXXXXVSp805CEN8U+GA4FcSWupcVLPH1RoacE8="}

Session_id and _csrf_token would change after every attempted logout, but warden.user.user.key would not change. 每次尝试注销后,Session_id和_csrf_token都会更改,但warden.user.user.key不会更改。 (Note that I have blanked out the initial 10 chars of each string). (请注意,我已经清空了每个字符串的前10个字符)。

Can anyone explain this behavior? 谁能解释这种行为?

Thanks! 谢谢!

I think this has something to do with a pre-Devise 2.0.4 session cookie. 我认为这与Devise 2.0.4之前的会话Cookie有关。 When I open up "Incognito" in my Chrome, it works as expected. 当我在Chrome中打开“隐身”时,它可以正常工作。

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