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[英]Hashmap generic

I want to create a hashmap where the key is of interface A, and the value is of interface B. Then I want to initialize it with classes that implements A and B. Is it possible to do it with java generics? 我想创建一个哈希映射,其中键是接口A的值,值是接口B的。然后,我想用实现A和B的类对其进行初始化。是否可以用Java泛型来实现?

That is, I want to have something like 也就是说,我想要类似

hashmap<<? implements A>, <? implements B>> _map;
_map.put(a1, b1);

where a1 implements A; 其中a1实现A; and b1 implements B. b1实现B。

The original intent is that I want to create a factory, so that I can look up on a1 and return an instance of b1. 最初的目的是要创建一个工厂,以便可以查找a1并返回b1的实例。

 Map<A, B> map = new HashMap<A, B>();
 map.put(a1, b1);


Map<A, B> _map = HashMap<A, B>();

this may be what you are looking for: 这可能是您要寻找的:

HashMap<A,B> map = new HashMap<A,B>();


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