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[英]How to display Generic HashMap entries

I am trying to understand how Generics work and I have this piece of code to display the entries of newDetails a class with these kind of parameters Map. 我试图了解泛型的工作方式,并且我有这段代码来显示newDetails条目的类,其中包含此类参数Map。 This is my code. 这是我的代码。

public class Map<Key,Value> {

    private Map<Key, Value> entry;

    public Map(){
        entry = new HashMap<Key,Value>();

    public void putEntry(Key k, Value id){
        entry.put(k, id);

    public void printMe(){
        for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> x: entry.entrySet()){
            System.out.print(x+" ");

Chocolates Class 巧克力课

    public class Chocolates<T> {

    private List<T> listOfChocolate = new ArrayList<T>(); 

    public Chocolates(T choc){

    public void addChocolate(T getChoc){

    public List<T> getLists(){
        return listOfChocolate;

Main method 主要方法

public static void main(String[] arg){

        Map<Chocolates<String>, Integer> newDetails = new Map<Chocolates<String>, Integer>();
        Chocolates<String> choco = new Chocolates<String>();

        newDetails.putEntry((new Chocolates<String>("Cadbury")), 1);
        newDetails.putEntry((new Chocolates<String>("Hersheys")), 2);

Whenever I try to ran the program it just display this one 每当我尝试运行该程序时,它只会显示该程序

generics.Chocolates@9931f5=1 generics.Chocolates@19ee1ac=2 

How do I display the actual entries like Cadbury 1 then Hersheys 2? 如何显示像吉百利1和Hersheys 2这样的实际条目?

Also is there any way I can improve the main method or some parts of the program because I always create a new object whenever I add a new entry. 还有什么方法可以改善主要方法或程序的某些部分,因为每当添加新条目时,我总是创建一个新对象。 Originally what I wanted to do is create a Generics version of this code: 最初,我想做的是创建此代码的泛型版本:

Map<List<String>, Integer> newDetails = new HashMap<List<String>, Integer>();

As someone told me that its alot better to implement that line of code in a Generics Class. 正如有人告诉我的那样,最好在Generics类中实现该行代码。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? Thanks 谢谢

EDIT 2 编辑2

I edited Maps Class printMe Method as Nambari have requested 我按照Nambari的要求编辑了Maps类的printMe方法

public void printMe(){
        for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> x: entry.entrySet()){
            System.out.print(x.getKey()+" "+x.getValue());

The output is: 输出为:

generics.Chocolates@9931f5 1generics.Chocolates@19ee1ac 2 generics.Chocolates@9931f5 1generics.Chocolates@19ee1ac 2

But if I add this line as suggested by Joao 但是如果我按照Joao的建议添加这一行

public String toString(){
        return listOfChocolate.toString();

output is : 输出是:

[Hersheys] 2[Cadbury] 1

Thanks everyone for your help! 谢谢大家的帮助!

Override Object#toString in the Chocolate class: Chocolate类中重写Object#toString

public class Chocolates<T> {

  // ...

  public String toString() {
    return listOfChocolate.toString();

Update printMe(..) method System.out 更新printMe(..)方法System.out

System.out.print(x.getKey() + " " + x.getValue());

EDIT: 编辑:

 public void printMe(){
        for (java.util.Map.Entry<Key, Value> x: entry.entrySet()){
            System.out.print(((Chocolates)x.getKey()).getLists().get(0) +" "+x.getValue());

NOTE: This code may throw NPE if getLists() is null 注意:如果getLists()为null,则此代码可能会引发NPE

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