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[英]Check if a view model property is a string

I have the following foreach in a view, I would like it to iterate over properties in my view model and display a text box for every property that is a string. 我在视图中具有以下foreach,我希望它遍历视图模型中的属性,并为每个字符串属性显示一个文本框。

foreach (var property in ViewData.ModelMetadata.Properties)
            if(property.GetType() == "string")
                <div class="watermark">
                    <label>Friend's email address</label>

Ideally property.GetType() == "string" would return a true or false, but this is not the case because .GetType is always returning System.Type (I believe). 理想情况下,property.GetType()==“ string”将返回true或false,但这不是事实,因为.GetType始终返回System.Type(我相信)。


if(property.GetType() == typeof(string))

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