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[英]Java Generic type instantiation

There are many questions like this, but none of them seem to answer my question specifically. 像这样的问题很多,但是似乎没有一个问题可以专门回答我的问题。

How do you instantiate a new T? 您如何实例化新的T?

I have a generic method, I need to return a new instance of the type in the type parameter. 我有一个通用方法,我需要在type参数中返回该类型的新实例。 Here is my code... 这是我的代码...

class MyClass {

  public static MyClass fromInputStream( InputStream input ) throws IOException {

    // do some stuff, and return a new MyClass.


Then in a seperate class I have a generic method like so... 然后在一个单独的类中,我有一个像这样的通用方法...

class SomeOtherClass {

  public <T extends MyClass>download(URL url) throws IOException {

    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();

    return T.fromInputStream( conn.getInputStream() );


I also tried the following... 我也尝试了以下...

class SomeOtherClass {

  public <T extends MyClass>download(URL url) throws IOException {

    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();

    return new T( conn.getInputStream() ); // Note my MyClass constructor takes an InputStream...


But neither permutation of the above will compile! 但是以上两种排列都不会编译! The error is: 错误是:

File: {...}/SomeOtherClass.java
Error: Cannot find symbol
symbol : class fromInputStream
location : class MyClass

Any suggestions would be appreciated! 任何建议,将不胜感激!

I think a common approach is to require the class of type T to be passed in like so: 我认为一种常见的方法是要求像这样传递T类型的类:

class SomeOtherClass {

  public <T extends MyClass> T download(Class<T> clazz, URL url) throws IOException {

    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();

    return clazz.getConstructor(InputStream.class).newInstance(conn.getInputStream() ); // Note my MyClass constructor takes an InputStream...


Other than passing in a Class object and using reflection like in johncarl's answer , you could use a generic factory: 除了传递Class对象并像johncarl的答案中那样使用反射之外 ,还可以使用泛型工厂:

public abstract class InputStreamFactory<T> {

    public T make(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException;

And revise download : 并修改download

public <T extends MyClass> T download(URL url, InputStreamFactory<? extends T> factory) throws IOException {

    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();

    return factory.make(conn.getInputStream());

Each MyClass derivation could provide its own factory implementation: 每个MyClass派生都可以提供自己的工厂实现:

public class MySubClass extends MyClass {

    public static final InputStreamFactory<MySubClass> FACTORY =
            new InputStreamFactory<MySubClass>() {
                public MySubClass make(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
                    return new MySubClass(inputStream); //assuming this constructor exists

And the caller could reference it: 呼叫者可以引用它:

MySubClass downloaded = new SomeOtherClass().download(url, MySubClass.FACTORY);

You no need to use parameter here to call method. 您无需在此处使用参数来调用方法。 Because you have static method, will be enough to access fromInputStream method directly from MyClass, I mean: 因为您有静态方法,足以直接从MyClass访问fromInputStream方法,我的意思是:

return MyClass.fromInputStream( conn.getInputStream() );

Hope it will help you 希望对您有帮助

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