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[英]Collection doesn't work in template

I send a model to a template.我将 model 发送到模板。 The model has a collection. model有收藏。 In the template I echo some variables and functions:在模板中,我回显了一些变量和函数:

console.log(comments instanceof App.Collections.Comments);
console.log(_.pluck(comments, 'created'));
_.each(comments, function(com) {

The first three work, but the last two underscore functions don't.前三个有效,但后两个下划线函数无效。 Pluck gives 3x undefined and each doesn't iterate. Pluck 给出 3x undefined 并且每个都不会迭代。

Object { length=3, models=[3], _byId={...}, more...}
[undefined, undefined, undefined]

How do I get the underscore functions to work?如何让下划线函数起作用?

You'll want to call pluck directly on the collection, as the Collection class supports it:您需要直接在集合上调用 pluck,因为集合 class 支持它:

http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Collection-pluck http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Collection-pluck

So instead of:所以不是:

_.pluck(comments, 'created')

You chould call:你可以打电话:


Backbone collections have some Underscore methods mixed in so you can use the Underscore methods directly on the collection instance: Backbone collections 混合了一些 Underscore 方法,因此您可以直接在集合实例上使用 Underscore 方法:

comments.each(function(com) { console.log(com) });

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/3jRNX/演示: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/3jRNX/

This one:这个:


works fine for you because _.size looks like this:对你很好,因为_.size看起来像这样:

_.size = function(obj) {
  return _.toArray(obj).length;

and _.toArray calls the collection's toArray : _.toArray调用集合的toArray

// Safely convert anything iterable into a real, live array.
_.toArray = function(iterable) {
  if (!iterable)                return [];
  if (iterable.toArray)         return iterable.toArray();
  if (_.isArray(iterable))      return slice.call(iterable);
  if (_.isArguments(iterable))  return slice.call(iterable);
  return _.values(iterable);

which unwraps the collection's data to give you the correct length.它解开集合的数据以为您提供正确的长度。 The above is taken from the 1.3.1 source, the current Github master version 's _.size has a different implementation so your _.size call is likely to break during an upgrade.以上内容取自 1.3.1 源代码, 当前 Github 主版本_.size有不同的实现,因此您的_.size调用可能会在升级过程中中断。

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