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“>”、“<”、“>=”和“<=”不适用于 Django 中的“filter()”

[英]">", "<", ">=" and "<=" don't work with "filter()" in Django

With = below, I could filter persons by age :使用下面的= ,我可以按age过滤人员:

qs = Person.objects.filter(age = 20)
                             # ↑ Here

But with > , < , >= and <= below, I couldn't filter persons by age :但是对于下面的><>=<= ,我无法按age过滤人员:

qs = Person.objects.filter(age > 20)
                             # ↑ Here
qs = Person.objects.filter(age < 20)
                             # ↑ Here
qs = Person.objects.filter(age >= 20)
                             # ↑↑ Here
qs = Person.objects.filter(age <= 20)
                             # ↑↑ Here

Then, I got the error below:然后,我收到以下错误:

NameError: name 'age' is not defined NameError:未定义名称“年龄”

How can I do greater than(>) , greater than or equal to(>=) , less than(<) and less than or equal to(>=) with filter() in Django?我如何在 Django 中使用filter()执行greater than(>)greater than or equal to(>=)less than(<)less than or equal to(>=)

Less than or equal:小于或等于:


Greater than or equal:大于或等于:


Likewise, lt for less than and gt for greater than.同样, lt表示小于, gt表示大于。 You can find them all in the documentation .您可以 在文档中找到它们。

The 1st answer works like a charm, to briefly explain it第一个答案就像一个魅力,简要解释一下

You just put the field you want to compare then the double underscore and您只需将要比较的字段放在双下划线和

gte    means >=
lte     means >=
gt      means >
lt       means <

The "level" in the first answer was supposedly a joint field name with userprofile from the question, it is not necessarily a key word第一个答案中的“级别”应该是问题中的用户配置文件的联合字段名称,不一定是关键字

Put __gt suffix for " G reater T han" to the field name age :将“ G reater Than”的__gt后缀添加到字段名称age

                    #    ↑↑↑↑ 
                    # age > 20

Put__gte suffix for " G reater T han or E qual to" to the field name age :将“ G reater Than or E qual to”的__gte后缀添加到字段名称age

                    #    ↑↑↑↑↑ 
                    # age >= 20

Put __lt suffix for " L ess T han" to the field name age :将“小于”的__lt后缀添加到字段名称age

                    #    ↑↑↑↑ 
                    # age < 20

Put__lte suffix for " L ess T han or E qual to" to the field name age :将“小于等于”的__lte后缀添加到字段名称age

                    #    ↑↑↑↑↑ 
                    # age <= 20

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