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bash 编程 STDIN 重定向

[英]bash programming STDIN redirect

I want to get the home directory of a user of a unix system.我想获取 unix 系统用户的主目录。 Why doesn't the following work:为什么以下不起作用:

# sudo su $offender -c "bash -s < <(echo echo \$HOME)"
sh: Syntax error: redirection unexpected

It works for me in Ubuntu and Fedora using sudo su $offender -c "echo \$HOME"它适用于 Ubuntu 和 Fedora 使用sudo su $offender -c "echo \$HOME"

You could also gouge it from your /etc/passwd file like so:您也可以像这样从 /etc/passwd 文件中获取它:

grep "^$offender" /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f6

Don't really know why it doesn't work, but here's a way to get the home directory that does not involve spawning a shell as that user:真的不知道为什么它不起作用,但这是一种获取主目录的方法,它不涉及作为该用户生成 shell:

getent passwd "${offender:?No Offending Account Given}" | awk -F':' 'NR==1{print $6}'

The direct problem is that sh does not recognize process substitution (the <(echo $HOME) ) notation, even when it is a link to bash .直接的问题是sh不识别进程替换( <(echo $HOME) )符号,即使它是指向bash的链接。

It seems like a rather brute force way to get the information.这似乎是一种获取信息的蛮力方式。 Doesn't:不会:

eval echo ~$offender

work for you?为你工作?

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