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带有Primefaces的Twitter Bootstrap(JSF)

[英]Twitter Bootstrap with Primefaces (JSF)

I'm trying to use Primefaces 3.2 (perhaps it's related to JSF in general) with Twitter Bootstrap 2.0.2 (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap). 我正在尝试使用Twitter Bootstrap 2.0.2(http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap)使用Primefaces 3.2(也许它与JSF有关)。

I've added to the starter-example (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/examples/starter-template.html) a drop down menu with the following scripts in <h:head> : 我已经在<h:head>添加了以下脚本的初始示例(http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/examples/starter-template.html)下拉菜单:

<script src="/resources/js/bootstrap.js"></script>  
<script src="/resources/js/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/js/bootstrap-dropdown.js"></script>

This works fine on the JSF page, but if I add a simple p:dataTable 这在JSF页面上工作正常,但如果我添加一个简单的p:dataTable

<p:dataTable var="i" value="#{testBean.list}">
    <f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Item"/></f:facet>
    <h:outputText value="#{i}"/>

the dropdown menu is not working anymore. 下拉菜单不再有效。 I suppose it's JavaScript related, but not sure where to search for this bug. 我想它与JavaScript有关,但不确定在哪里搜索这个bug。

First of all you better use h:outputScript to load js files... 首先你最好使用h:outputScript来加载js文件......

I think its cause of conflicts between primefaces jquery and the manually included one... 我认为它在primefaces jquery和手动包含的一个之间发生冲突的原因......

PrimeFaces 3.2 comes with jQuery 1.7.1, So... PrimeFaces 3.2附带jQuery 1.7.1,所以......

Remove the 除掉

<script src="/resources/js/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script> from your code 您的代码中的<script src="/resources/js/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>

and modify your include in the following way in your <h:head> element 并在<h:head>元素中以下列方式修改include

<f:facet name="first">
  <h:outputScript library="js" name="bootstrap.js"/>
<h:outputScript library="primefaces" name="jquery/jquery.js"/>
<h:outputScript library="js" name="bootstrap-dropdown.js"/>

Also take a look at JQuery Conflicts with Primefaces? 还可以看看与Primefaces的JQuery冲突? and related resource ordering . 和相关的资源订购

there is an easier way to add this theme. 有一种更简单的方法来添加这个主题。

If you are using a maven project bases do this: 如果您正在使用maven项目基地,请执行以下操作:

Add dependency 添加依赖项


Or add a specific theme dependency 或者添加特定的主题依赖项

Add this in your web.xml web.xml中添加它


If you are not using Maven, download the jar manually and add It to your classpath: 如果您没有使用Maven,请手动下载jar并将其添加到您的类路径:

http://repository.primefaces.org/org/primefaces/themes/ http://repository.primefaces.org/org/primefaces/themes/

References: 参考文献:

You are including JQuery twice (Primefaces imports it automatically). 你包括JQuery两次(Primefaces自动导入它)。 Remove your manual import: 删除手动导入:

<script src="/erp/resources/js/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>

and everything should work. 一切都应该有效。

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