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OS X Lion 上的 68k 汇编器

[英]68k Assembler on OS X Lion

I need to do some programming stuff in assembler for the 68k for my college class.我需要为大学班的 68k 用汇编程序做一些编程工作。 I'm looking for a programm to do it on os x lion.我正在寻找一个程序来在 os x lion 上做到这一点。 I found easy68k which is running in wine, but I have the feeling that it's not working porperly.我发现easy68k 在wine 中运行,但我觉得它不能正常工作。 Any guess?有什么猜想吗?

Vasm是一个汇编器,可以针对 68k 构建并在 OS X 下工作。检查编译说明,但基本上使用motorola 语法从源代码构建它的命令是针对 68k:

make CPU=m68k SYNTAX=mot

I'm in the same situation, and I've found that Easy68k ( http://www.easy68k.com/ ) works very well under wine.我处于同样的情况,我发现 Easy68k ( http://www.easy68k.com/ ) 在 wine 下工作得很好。

Also, it is possible to set up a full Debian/68k system using Aranym (see https://wiki.debian.org/Aranym/Quick ).此外,可以使用 Aranym 设置完整的 Debian/68k 系统(请参阅https://wiki.debian.org/Aranym/Quick )。

I'll be writing something about this on my blog, hope it helps.我会在我的博客上写一些关于这个的东西,希望它有帮助。

Source: studying m68k for college class too.资料来源:也在大学课堂上学习 m68k。



I ran into the issue where Mac's no longer support 32bit code.我遇到了 Mac 不再支持 32 位代码的问题。

So I had to build Dockers .所以我不得不构建Dockers

Example of mine .举例

FROM i386/alpine:latest

COPY ./resources/* /opt/asm68k/

RUN apk add --no-cache wine freetype ncurses && \
    mkdir -p /opt/asm68k/bin && \
    ln -s /opt/asm68k/asm68k.sh /opt/asm68k/bin/asm68k && \
    echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/asm68k/bin' >> /etc/profile && \
    ln -s /opt/asm68k/bin/* /usr/local/bin/ && \
    echo alias ll='ls -lah' >> /etc/profile.d/aliases.sh && \
    wine --version && \
    wine /opt/asm68k/asm68k.exe || echo 'done'

WORKDIR "/tmp"

ENTRYPOINT ["wine", "/opt/asm68k/asm68k.exe"]

I also built binutils this way, but it was a pain.我也以这种方式构建了binutils ,但这很痛苦。

The GNU assembler (part of binutils ) can be built to target the m68k.可以构建 GNU 汇编器( binutils 的一部分)以针对 m68k。 Run configure with --target=m68k-elf (because COFF output is no longer supported for m68k).使用 --target=m68k-elf 运行配置(因为 m68k 不再支持 COFF 输出)。 You also have the option to install gcc and newlib if you want to write some of the code in C/C++.如果您想用 C/C++ 编写一些代码,您还可以选择安装 gcc 和newlib

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