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[英]Automatically call a task every 5 seconds

i have an Infragistics carousel control which i want to call "next" on every 5 seconds. 我有一个Infragistics轮播控件,我想每5秒调用一次“下一个”。 However im not sure how to do this without a while true. 但是我不确定如何做到这一点,没有一会儿真的。

Any help would be great, thanks! 任何帮助都会很棒,谢谢!

Currently its kicked off from a click, starting a task within a while true. 目前,它从点击开始,在一段时间内启动任务。 Obviously this i what i want to avoid. 这显然是我想要避免的。

 private void GoToNext(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

        while (true)

            Task task = new Task(() => MyCarousel.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new next(goToNext), null));



private bool goToNext()
        return true;

Timers are used for this in general, sitting in the background and triggering every so often. 定时器通常用于此,坐在后台并经常触发。 There are a number in .NET (in System.Timers and elsewhere) and which one is best depends on your particular scenario. .NET中有一个数字(在System.Timers和其他地方),哪一个最好取决于您的特定场景。

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