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[英]How can I export numbers between spaces in a string in Java?

I want to input a String like this "5 4 34" from keyboard. 我想从键盘输入这样的String “ 5 4 34”。 How can I export the numbers between spaces? 如何导出空格之间的数字? Also a want to export them into an int[] array, and print them on the screen. 还要将它们导出到int[]数组中,然后在屏幕上打印出来。

You can use String.split("\\\\s") to split the String to String[] and then use Integer.parseInt() on each element to get the number as an int . 您可以使用String.split("\\\\s")String拆分为String[] ,然后在每个元素上使用Integer.parseInt()以将数字作为int来获取。

Alternatively, you can use a Scanner , and its nextInt() method 另外,您可以使用Scanner及其nextInt()方法

Since the others have already showed you how it can be done with split() , here is an example how to do it with Scanner , directly from System.in (I am assuming that what you want, because you say you read it from keyboard, of course you can use any Readable or a String to build your Scanner ): 由于其他人已经向您展示了如何使用split()完成此操作,因此这里有一个示例,如何直接从System.in使用Scanner进行操作(我假设您想要的是因为您说的是从键盘上读取的,当然您可以使用任何ReadableString来构建您的Scanner ):

Code: 码:

Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(System.in);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(inputScanner.nextLine());
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
while (scanner.hasNextInt()) {
Integer[] arr = list.toArray(new Integer[0]);

or if you want an int[] and not an Integer[] instead of the last line, use: 或者,如果您要使用int[]而不是Integer[]而不是最后一行,请使用:

int[] arr = new int[list.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Integer x : list) { 
    arr[i++] = x;

To print the array just print the result of Arrays.toString() : 要打印数组,只需打印Arrays.toString()的结果:


Add an exception handler and you're in good shape: 添加一个异常处理程序,您就可以保持良好状态:

String values = "5 4 34";
String [] tokens = values.split("\\s+");
List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (String number : tokens) {

Or like this: 或像这样:

String values = "5 4 34";
String [] tokens = values.split("\\s+");
int [] numbers = new int[tokens.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
    numbers[i] = Integer.valueOf(tokens[i]);
    String[] stringArray = "5 4 34".split( " " );
    int[] intArray = new int[ stringArray.length ];

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < stringArray.length ; i++ )
        intArray[ i ] = Integer.parseInt( stringArray[ i ] );
String string = "5 4 34";
String[] components = string.split(" "); // [5, 4, 34]

Without much boilerplate: 没有太多样板:

List <Integer> numbers = new ArrayList <Integer> ();
for (String number : "5 4 34";.split ("\\s+")) {
    int v = Integer.parseInt (number);
    System.out.println (v);
    numbers.add (v);

Or using Scanner: 或使用扫描仪:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner ("5 4 34");
List <Integer> list = new ArrayList <Integer> ();
while (scanner.hasNextInt()) {
    int v = scanner.nextInt ();
    list.add (v);
    System.out.println (v);


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