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[英]Remove a part of string via first and last character?

I am getting a HTML string as a result of querying a remote XML feed. 查询远程XML提要后得到HTML字符串。 I use the result to set text to a TextView . 我使用结果将文本设置为TextView The problem is that a string contains HTML comment tags which are not supported by the TextView element. 问题是字符串包含TextView元素不支持的HTML注释标签。

Now, I need a way to remove (substring) the resulting string by indicating the part which will be removed. 现在,我需要一种方法,通过指示要删除的部分来删除(子字符串)结果字符串。 I cannot work via start and end positions, but I have to use starting and ending string pattern ( <!-- as starting and --> as ending). 我无法通过开始和结束位置进行工作,但必须使用开始和结束字符串模式( <!--作为开始, -->作为结束)。

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

perhaps use this: 也许使用这个:

String str = "your html string";
int start = str.indexOf("<!--");
int end = str.indexOf("-->");
str = str.replace(str.substring(start, (end - start)), "");

I found this in here. 我在这里找到的。 I believe that since android is a tag here the answer will be relevant. 我相信,由于android是此处的标记,因此答案将是相关的。


Remove HTML tags from a String . 从String中删除HTML标签

You can use regular express, eg 您可以使用正则快递,例如

    String input = "<!-- \nto be removed -->hello <!-- to be removed-->world";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<!--.*?-->", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    int lastIndex = 0;
    while (matcher.find()) {
        builder.append(input.substring(lastIndex, matcher.start()));
        lastIndex = matcher.end();


You can use the Html.fromHtml() method to use html-formatted text in a TextView , example: 您可以使用Html.fromHtml()方法在TextView使用html格式的文本,例如:

CharSequence text = Html.fromHtml("before <!--comment--><b>after</b>");

The TextView will now have the text "before after ". 现在,TextView的文本为“ before after ”。

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