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[英]is there a way to check if external data is piped to a program or if program runs on its own?

That is the data is already provided by another program, or user must type it manually. 即数据已由其他程序提供,或者用户必须手动输入。 I mean these two states: 我指的是这两种状态:

dir /b /s *.* | myprogram



In second case the program would be waiting for user input. 在第二种情况下,程序将等待用户输入。 Is there a way to prevent that ? 有办法防止这种情况吗?

POSIX具有isatty() ,而Visual C ++具有_isatty() ,如果文件描述符是终端或命令行,则两者都将返回true,例如isatty(fileno(stdin))

Yes. 是。 Use GetStdHandle to get the STD_INPUT_HANDLE and then check that the handle is of the type FILE_TYPE_PIPE in the first case or FILE_TYPE_CHAR in the second case by calling GetFileType on it. 使用GetStdHandle得到STD_INPUT_HANDLE ,然后检查手柄类型的FILE_TYPE_PIPE在第一种情况下或FILE_TYPE_CHAR在第二种情况下,通过调用GetFileType就可以了。

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