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[英]How to check programmatically whether a user is logged in to the app store

I wanna check through my application whether any user is logged in to the app store or not. 我想通过我的应用程序检查是否有用户登录到应用程序商店。 I am not sure whether apple provided any provision to check that. 我不确定苹果是否提供了检查的条款。 I guess store kit might help me but i am not sure. 我想商店套件可能会帮助我,但我不确定。

You can't do that. 你不能这样做。 StoreKit framework is only for providing in-app purchase functionality to your app. StoreKit框架仅用于为您的应用提供应用内购买功能。 Not the status of user session with app store. 不是应用商店的用户会话状态。

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