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C是 - >相当于Objective-C中的点符号

[英]Is C's -> equivalent to dot notation in Objective-C

I am doing Box2D programming, and heads up, I am a total noob to C++ and C. I am an Objective-C guy, and that is why it is becoming really hard for me to understand the language. 我正在进行Box2D编程,并且抬头,我是C ++和C的总菜鸟。我是一个Objective-C家伙,这就是为什么我对语言的理解变得非常困难。 Especially: 特别:


Basically I understand that this is used for referencing different methods or functions or variables/properties like below: 基本上我理解这用于引用不同的方法或函数或变量/属性,如下所示:


So is this equivalent to dot notation in Objective-C: 这相当于Objective-C中的点符号:

// made up example
[body.world destroyBody];

or 要么

[self destroyBody:body.world];

Or something similar? 或类似的东西? I really don't understand this. 我真的不明白这一点。 Can someone give me a heads up on what this is. 有人可以告诉我这是什么。 Thanks! 谢谢!

I don't know Objective-C, but I can explain difference between -> and . 我不知道Objective-C,但我可以解释->和之间的区别. in C and C++, hope that helps. 在C和C ++中,希望有所帮助。

. is operator that allows you to access member of struct/class instance. 是允许您访问struct / class实例的成员的运算符。 a->b is the same as (*a).b - so it first dereferences the pointer, then accesses member of instance that the pointer was pointing to. a->b(*a).b - 因此它首先取消引用指针,然后访问指针所指向的实例的成员。

Also, there is a case that Luchian has mentioned - overloading of operator->() of given class. 此外,有一种情况是Luchian提到 - 重载operator->()给定类。 In case when class you are using does overload this operator, the behavior will be different, defined by the class - it can return virtually everything it wants. 如果你正在使用的类确实重载了这个操作符,那么行为将是不同的,由类定义 - 它几乎可以返回它想要的所有内容。

I don't know much about Objective-C, but I can try to give you some help about C++: assuming that you define a class Foo in C++, with a method bar() : 我对Objective-C了解不多,但我可以尝试给你一些关于C ++的帮助:假设你用C ++定义一个类Foo ,方法bar()

class Foo
  void bar();

If you allocate an instance of Foo on the stack , you use dot notation ( . ) to call the method bar() : 如果在堆栈上分配Foo实例,则使用点表示法. )来调用方法bar()

Foo f;

If you have a pointer to an instance of Foo , you use the arrow notation ( -> ) to call the method bar() : 如果你有一个指向 Foo实例的指针 ,你可以使用箭头符号-> )来调用方法bar()

Foo* pf; // must point to some instance of Foo

(To complicate things, there are also references , which have value syntax and pointer semantics: if you have a reference to Foo (eg Foo& f ) you still use dot notation: f.bar(); .) (更复杂的是,还有一些引用 ,它们具有值语法和指针语义:如果你有对Foo的引用(例如Foo& f ),你仍然使用点表示法: f.bar();

. is used to access object members, -> is used to access members through a pointer. 用于访问对象成员, ->用于通过指针访问成员。 Usually . 通常 operator -> can be overloaded, meaning you can also use it on objects: operator ->可以重载,这意味着你也可以在对象上使用它:

struct X
   X* other;
   X* operator->() {return other;}

X x;

In this case, x->other doesn't reffer to x.other , but to x.other.other . 在这种情况下, x->other不会对x.other ,而是x.other.other :D :d

No, using . 不,使用. to access Objective-C properties is not the same as either -> or . 访问Objective-C属性与->或者不同. to access struct and class members in C and C++. 在C和C ++中访问struct和class成员。

The Objective-C property accessor works on values of type id (which is a pointer type), but uses special naming conventions to decide what it actually does. Objective-C属性访问器适用于类型为id值(这是一种指针类型),但使用特殊的命名约定来决定它实际执行的操作。 It can directly access a property data member, making it similar to -> for data member access. 它可以直接访问属性数据成员,使其类似于->用于数据成员访问。 Or it can look up special functions for getting and/or setting the property value, in which case it's syntax sugar for a message send. 或者它可以查找用于获取和/或设置属性值的特殊函数,在这种情况下,它是消息发送的语法糖。

Except in the case of operator overloading in C++, -> is always the same as dereferencing a pointer and then accessing the member referred to. 除了在C ++中运算符重载的情况之外, ->始终与取消引用指针然后访问引用的成员相同。 a->b is equivalent to (*a).b . a->b相当于(*a).b b may be a data member for a member function, but the accessed member will have the exact name referred to in b , not some mutation of it based on any special naming convention. b可以是成员函数的数据成员,但被访问的成员将具有b提到的确切名称,而不是基于任何特殊命名约定的某些变异。 If b names a member function then it may be a virtual function, which has some similarities to, but is not the same as, message sends in Objective-C. 如果b命名一个成员函数,那么它可能是一个虚函数,它与Objective-C中的消息发送有一些相似之处,但不一样。 b may also be an overloaded member function in C++ which has no equivalent in Objective-C. b也可能是C ++中的重载成员函数,它在Objective-C中没有等价物。

The addition of the . 添加了. syntax for accessing object properties in Objective-C violates Objective-C's design principal that new features should look new. 用于访问Objective-C中的对象属性的语法违反了Objective-C的设计原则,即新功能应该看起来很新。 Using @ , the [] message sending syntax, and the special keywords to define Objective-C objects are examples where Objective-C previously followed this design principal. 使用@[]消息发送语法和定义Objective-C对象的特殊关键字是Objective-C之前遵循此设计原则的示例。

This is objective-c code. 这是客观的代码。

@interface Foo : NSObject
  NSInteger _a;
@property (nonatomaic, assign) NSInteger a;

@implement Foo
@synthesize a = _a;

You know '@synthesize' phrase. 你知道'@synthesize'一词。 @synthesize create bellow codes. @synthesize创建波纹管代码。

- (NSInteger)a
  return _a;

- (void)setA:(NSInteger)aa
  return _a = aa;

Let's access property a. 让我们访问属性a。

void main()
  Foo foo = [[Foo alloc] init];
  foo.a = 1;

Must assigned foo.a as 1. But compiler call as bellow. 必须将foo.a指定为1.但编译器调用如下。

void main()
  Foo foo = [[Foo alloc] init];
  [foo setA:1];

foo.a = 1 and [foo setA:1] is same. foo.a = 1和[foo setA:1]相同。 foo.a = 1 calls [foo setA:1]. foo.a = 1次调用[foo setA:1]。

Bellow, Written in C. 贝娄,写于C.

class Foo
  int _a;
  int getA();
  void setA(const int aa);

int Foo::getA()
   return _a;
void Foo::setA(const int aa)
   _a = aa;

// local allocation example.

void main()
  Foo foo;

// Heap allocation example.
void main()
   Foo *foo = new Foo();
   delete foo;

// Pointer (like object objectve-c).
void main()
   Foo foo1;

   Foo *foo2 = &foo1;

   printf("result>>> %d, %d", foo1.a, foo2->a); 

result>>>  2, 2

foo1.a and foo2->a is 2 also. foo1.a和foo2-> a也是2。 Objectve-C example bellow. 以下是Objectve-C的例子。

void main()
   Foo *foo1 = [[Foo alloc] init];
   foo1.a = 1;

   Foo *foo2 = foo1;
   foo2.a = 2;

   NSLog(@"result>>> %d, %d", foo1.a, foo2.a);

result>>>  2, 2

Have a good day. 祝你有美好的一天。 Thank you. 谢谢。

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