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[英]JQuery - show multiple select boxes on clicking a link

I have written a small function in JQuery, took me a little while but I got there. 我已经在JQuery中编写了一个小函数,花了我一段时间,但是我到达了那里。 You click a link and a dropdown shows. 您单击一个链接,将显示一个下拉列表。 But I need to click the link and show the dropdown, but upon clicking it again I want the same dropdown again, up to a maximum or 4. 但是我需要单击链接并显示下拉菜单,但是再次单击后,我希望再次选择相同的下拉菜单,最大为4。

Now I'm stuck with this a bit, this is how far I got. 现在,我对此有所保留,这就是我所走的距离。


<a class="toggle" href="#">Add another Location</a>

insert more locations dropdownbox​ 插入更多位置下拉框

JQuery: jQuery的:

$(function() {
    $("a.toggle").click(function(e) {


.toggleDiv { display: none; }
.toggle { font: 14px black Tahoma; }

Can anyone point in the right direction. 任何人都可以指出正确的方向。 My JSFiddle is here: 我的JSFiddle在这里:

http://jsfiddle.net/Painstar/bkVNk/ http://jsfiddle.net/Painstar/bkVNk/

Thanks! 谢谢!

I've updated the fiddle you sent with how I'd do it: 我已经更新了您发送给小提琴的方法:

jQuery jQuery的

var current = 1;
$(function() {
$("a.toggle").click(function(e) {
    if(current <= 4) {
      $("#moreLocations" + current).show();
    current += 1;


<a class="toggle" href="#">Add another Location</a>
<div id="moreLocations1" class="toggleDiv">insert more locations dropdownbox</div>
<div id="moreLocations2" class="toggleDiv">insert more locations dropdownbox</div>
<div id="moreLocations3" class="toggleDiv">insert more locations dropdownbox</div>
<div id="moreLocations4" class="toggleDiv">insert more locations dropdownbox</div>

Assuming you wish to have the 4 boxes as seperate items. 假设您希望将4个框作为单独的项目。

You could also use the .sibling() with the ID, but if you know the ID 's then that should be fine. 您还可以将.sibling()与ID一起使用,但是如果您知道ID的话,那应该没问题。

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