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我的SQL + C#古怪问题

[英]My SQL + C# Weird Issue

I'm getting very weird error on the page on every other refresh but NOT every time. 每次其他刷新时,页面上都会出现非常奇怪的错误,但并非每次都显示。

I have a simple page printing out the data as follow: 我有一个简单的页面,将数据打印如下:

Backend(aspx.cs) 后端(aspx.cs)

string sql="Select * from content_mgr_multiple where category = '1' limit 0, 1";    
DataView dv = DBAccess.GetListView(sql);
this.ResultList.DataSource = dv;

Frontend(aspx) 前端(aspx)

<asp:Repeater ID="ResultList" runat="server">
     <%#  Eval("content") %>

The code work as simple as above but it is showing the following error for every other refresh. 该代码的工作原理如上所述,但每次其他刷新都会显示以下错误。 DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'content'. DataBinding:'System.Data.DataRowView'不包含名称为'content'的属性。

Let's say I refresh the page 6 times. 假设我将页面刷新了6次。 2nd,4th and 6th time are fine but 1st,3rd and 5th time are showing above error. 第二,第四和第六次很好,但是第一,第三和第五次显示上述错误。

I tried to troubleshoot as follow. 我尝试按照以下方法进行故障排除。 I put codes to print out the column names in that DataSource. 我将代码打印出该数据源中的列名。

string sql="Select * from content_mgr_multiple where category = '1' limit 0, 1";    
DataView dv = DBAccess.GetListView(sql);
        foreach (DataColumn dr in dv.Table.Columns)
            Response.Write(dr.ColumnName + "<BR>");
this.ResultList.DataSource = dv;

On 2nd,4th and 6th time refresh, the column names are printed out in English. 在第二,第四和第六次刷新时,列名以英文打印。


On 1st,3rd and 5th time refresh, the column names are printed out in Chinese. 在第一次,第三次和第五次刷新时,列名称以中文打印。


I have been fighting this for a while and please help. 我已经为此战斗了一段时间,请帮忙。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Thank you guys very much for your concern. 非常感谢你们的关心。 Finally, I found what was causing it. 终于,我找到了造成它的原因。 As eggyal pointed out, it made me realize that something was wrong with the database. 正如eggyal所指出的,这使我意识到数据库出了点问题。

I have content_mgr category table which is holding Chinese titles too. 我的content_mgr类别表也包含中文标题。 In that category table, the Chinese filed was created as "ucs2_general_ci". 在该类别表中,中文字段被创建为“ ucs2_general_ci”。 As soon as I changed it to "utf8_general_ci", the problem is solved. 我将其更改为“ utf8_general_ci”后,问题就解决了。

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