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[英]image processing algorithm in MATLAB

I am trying to implement an algorithm described in this paper: 我正在尝试实现本文中描述的算法:

Decomposition of biospeckle images in temporary spectral bands 临时光谱带中生物斑点图像的分解

Here is an explanation of the algorithm: 以下是该算法的解释:

We recorded a sequence of N successive speckle images with a sampling frequency fs . 我们以采样频率fs记录了N连续散斑图像的序列。 In this way it was possible to observe how a pixel evolves through the N images. 通过这种方式,可以观察像素如何通过N图像进化。 That evolution can be treated as a time series and can be processed in the following way: Each signal corresponding to the evolution of every pixel was used as input to a bank of filters. 该演变可以被视为时间序列并且可以以下面的方式处理:对应于每个像素的演变的每个信号被用作一组滤波器的输入。 The intensity values were previously divided by their temporal mean value to minimize local differences in reflectivity or illumination of the object. 先前将强度值除以它们的时间平均值,以最小化物体的反射率或照度的局部差异。 The maximum frequency that can be adequately analyzed is determined by the sampling theorem and s half of sampling frequency fs . 可以充分分析的最大频率由采样定理和采样频率fs的一半决定。 The latter is set by the CCD camera, the size of the image, and the frame grabber. 后者由CCD相机,图像大小和帧抓取器设置。 The bank of filters is outlined in Fig. 1. 滤波器组如图1所示。


In our case, ten 5° order Butterworth filters were used, but this number can be varied according to the required discrimination. 在我们的例子中,使用了10个5阶巴特沃斯滤波器,但是这个数量可以根据所需的区分来改变。 The bank was implemented in a computer using MATLAB software. 该银行使用MATLAB软件在计算机中实现。 We chose the Butter-worth filter because, in addition to its simplicity, it is maximally flat. 我们选择了Butter-worth过滤器,因为除了简单之外,它还是最平坦的。 Other filters, an infinite impulse response, or a finite impulse response could be used. 可以使用其他滤波器,无限脉冲响应或有限脉冲响应。

By means of this bank of filters, ten corresponding signals of each filter of each temporary pixel evolution were obtained as output. 借助于该滤波器组,获得每个临时像素演变的每个滤波器的十个相应信号作为输出。 Average energy Eb in each signal was then calculated: 然后计算每个信号的平均能量Eb:


where pb(n) is the intensity of the filtered pixel in the nth image for filter b divided by its mean value and N is the total number of images. 其中pb(n)是滤波器b的第n个图像中的滤波像素的强度除以其平均值, N是图像的总数。 In this way, En values of energy for each pixel were obtained, each of hem belonging to one of the frequency bands in Fig. 1. 以这种方式,获得每个像素的En能量值,每个下摆属于图1中的一个频带。

With these values it is possible to build ten images of the active object, each one of which shows how much energy of time-varying speckle there is in a certain frequency band. 利用这些值,可以构建活动对象的十个图像,每个图像显示在某个频带中有多少时变斑点的能量。 False color assignment to the gray levels in the results would help in discrimination. 对结果中灰度级的错误颜色分配将有助于区分。

and here is my MATLAB code base on that : 这是我的MATLAB代码基础:

for i=1:520
    for j=1:368
        ts = [];
        for k=1:600
            ts = [ts D{k}(i,j)]; %%% kth image pixel i,j --- ts is time series
        ts = double(ts);
          temp = mean(ts);        
           if (temp==0)
                for l=1:10

         ts = ts-temp;          
         ts = ts/temp;    
        N = 5; % filter order
        W = [0.0 0.10;0.10 0.20;0.20 0.30;0.30 0.40;0.40 0.50;0.50 0.60 ;0.60 0.70;0.70 0.80 ;0.80 0.90;0.90 1.0];      
        ts_f(1,:) = filter(B,A,ts);         
        N1 = 5;                        
        for ind = 2:9           
            Wn = W(ind,:);
            [B,A] = butter(N1,Wn);            
            ts_f(ind,:) = filter(B,A,ts);            
        ts_f(10,:) = filter(B,A,ts); 

        for ind=1:10
          %Following Paper Suggestion          
           filtImag1{ind}(i,j) =sum(ts_f(ind,:).^2);

for i=1:10

pre_max = max(filtImag1{1}(:));
for i=1:10
   new_max = max(filtImag1{i}(:));
    if (pre_max<new_max)
new_max = pre_max;

pre_min = min(filtImag1{1}(:));
for i=1:10
   new_min = min(filtImag1{i}(:));
    if (pre_min>new_min)
        pre_min = min(filtImag1{i}(:));

new_min = pre_min;

 for i=1:10
 temp_imag = filtImag1{i}(:,:);
 t_max = max(max(temp_imag));
 t_min = min(min(temp_imag));
 temp_imag = (double(temp_imag-t_min)).*((double(new_max)-double(new_min))/double(t_max-t_min))+(double(new_min));

 %median filter
 %temp_imag = medfilt2(temp_imag);
 imag_test2{i}(:,:) = temp_imag;

for i=1:10

for i=1:10

but I am not getting the same result as paper. 但我没有得到与纸相同的结果。 has anybody has any idea why? 有谁知道为什么? or where I have gone wrong? 或者我哪里出错了?

EDIT by getting help from @Amro and using his code I endup with the following images: here is my Original Image from 72hrs germinated Lentil (400 images, with 5 frame per second): 编辑来自@Amro的帮助并使用他的代码我最终得到以下图像:这是我72小时发芽Lentil的原始图像(400张图像,每秒5帧): 在此输入图像描述

here is the results images for 10 different band : 这是10个不同乐队的结果图像:


A couple of issue I can spot: 我可以发现几个问题:

  • when you divide the signal by its mean, you need to check that it was not zero. 当你用它的平均值划分信号时,你需要检查它是不是零。 Otherwise the result will be NaN . 否则结果将是NaN

  • the authors (I am following this article ) used a bank of filters with frequency bands covering the entire range up to the Nyquist frequency. 作者(我正在关注这篇文章 )使用一组滤波器,其频带覆盖整个范围,直到奈奎斯特频率。 You are doing half of that. 你正在做一半。 The normalized frequencies you pass to butter should go all the way up to 1 (corresponds to fs/2 ) 传递给butter的标准化频率应该一直到1 (对应于fs/2

  • When computing the energy of each filtered signal, I think you should not divide by its mean (you have already accounted for that before). 当计算每个滤波信号的能量时,我认为你不应该除以它的平均值(你之前已经考虑过了)。 Instead simply do: E = sum(sig.^2); 而是简单地做: E = sum(sig.^2); for each of the filtered signals 对于每个滤波信号

  • In the last post-processing step, you should normalize to the range [0,1], and then apply the median filtering algorithm medfilt2 . 在最后的后处理步骤中,您应该标准化到范围[0,1],然后应用中值过滤算法medfilt2 The computation doesn't look right, it should be something like: 计算看起来不正确,它应该是这样的:

     img = ( img - min(img(:)) ) ./ ( max(img(:)) - min(img(:)) ); 

EDIT: 编辑:

With the above points in mind, I tried to rewrite the code in a vectorized way. 考虑到以上几点,我尝试以矢量化方式重写代码。 Since you didn't post sample input images, I can't test if the result is as expected... Plus I am not sure how to interpret the final images anyway :) 由于你没有发布样本输入图像,我无法测试结果是否符合预期......加上我不知道如何解释最终图像:)

%# read biospeckle images
fnames = dir( fullfile('folder','myimages*.jpg') );
fnames = {fnames.name};
N = numel(fnames);                    %# number of images
Fs = 1;                               %# sampling frequency in Hz
sz = [209 278];                       %# image sizes
T = zeros([sz N],'uint8');            %# store all images
for i=1:N
    T(:,:,i) = imread( fullfile('folder',fnames{i}) );

%# timeseries corresponding to every pixel
T = reshape(T, [prod(sz) N])';        %# columns are the signals
T = double(T);                        %# work with double class

%# normalize signals before filtering (avoid division by zero)
mn = mean(T,1);
T = bsxfun(@rdivide, T, mn+(mn==0));  %# divide by temporal mean

%# bank of filters
numBanks = 10;
order = 5;                                       % butterworth filter order
fCutoff = linspace(0, Fs/2, numBanks+1)';        % lower/upper cutoff freqs
W = [fCutoff(1:end-1) fCutoff(2:end)] ./ (Fs/2); % normalized frequency bands
W(1,1) = W(1,1) + 1e-5;                          % adjust first freq
W(end,end) = W(end,end) - 1e-5;                  % adjust last freq

%# filter signals using the bank of filters
Tf = cell(numBanks,1);                %# filtered signals using each filter
for i=1:numBanks
    [b,a] = butter(order, W(i,:));    %# bandpass filter
    Tf{i} = filter(b,a,T);            %# apply filter to all signals
clear T                               %# cleanup unnecessary stuff

%# compute average energy in each signal across frequency bands
Tf = cellfun(@(x)sum(x.^2,1), Tf, 'Uniform',false);

%# normalize each to [0,1], and build corresponding images
Tf = cellfun(@(x)reshape((x-min(x))./range(x),sz), Tf, 'Uniform',false);

%# show images
for i=1:numBanks
    subplot(4,3,i), imshow(Tf{i})
    title( sprintf('%g - %g Hz',W(i,:).*Fs/2) )


(I used the image from here for the above result) (我用这里的图像得到了上面的结果)

EDIT#2 编辑#2

Made some changes and simplified the above code a bit. 做了一些更改并简化了上面的代码。 This shall reduce memory footprint. 这将减少内存占用。 For example I used cell array instead of a single multidimensional matrix to store the result. 例如,我使用单元格数组而不是单个多维矩阵来存储结果。 That way we don't allocate one big block of contiguous memory. 这样我们就不会分配一大块连续内存。 I also reused same variables instead of introducing new ones at each intermediate step... 我也重复使用相同的变量,而不是在每个中间步骤引入新变量......

The paper doesn't mention subtracting the mean of the time series, are you sure that's necessary? 本文没有提及减去时间序列的平均值,你确定这是必要的吗? Also, you only compute the new_max and new_min once, from the last image. 此外,您只需从最后一张图像计算一次new_max和new_min。

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