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[英]Static files in a Bottle application cannot be found (404)

I've reviewed all the questions here about this, reviewed the bottle tutorial, reviewed the bottle google group discussions, and AFAIK, I'm doing everything right. 我已经审查了所有与此相关的问题,审查了瓶子指南,审查了Google小组的瓶子讨论,以及AFAIK,我所做的一切正确。 Somehow, though, I can't get my CSS file to load properly. 但是,无论如何,我无法正确加载CSS文件。 I'm getting a 404 on the static file, that http://localhost:8888/todo/static/style.css is not found, which, according to the directory structure below, should not be the case. 我在静态文件上得到404,找不到http://localhost:8888/todo/static/style.css ,根据下面的目录结构,情况并非如此。 I'm using version 0.11 (unstable) of Bottle; 我正在使用Bottle的版本0.11(不稳定); is there anything I'm missing, or is this a bug in Bottle? 有什么我想念的东西吗?或者这是Bottle中的错误?

My directory structure: 我的目录结构:


My todo.py: 我的todo.py:

import sqlite3
from bottle import Bottle, route, run, debug, template, request, validate, static_file, error, SimpleTemplate

# only needed when you run Bottle on mod_wsgi
from bottle import default_app
app = Bottle()

appPath = '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/todo/'

def todo_list():

    conn = sqlite3.connect(appPath + 'todo.db')
    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute("SELECT id, task FROM todo WHERE status LIKE '1';")
    result = c.fetchall()

    output = template(appPath + 'make_table', rows=result, get_url=app.get_url)
    return output

@route('/static/:filename#.*#', name='css')
def server_static(filename):
    return static_file(filename, root='./static')

My html: 我的html:

%#template to generate a HTML table from a list of tuples (or list of lists, or tuple of tuples or ...)
<link href="{{ get_url('css', filename='style.css') }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<p>The open items are as follows:</p>
<table border="1">
%for row in rows:
  <tr style="margin:15px;">
  %i = 0
  %for col in row:
    %if i == 0:
    %i = i + 1
  <td><a href="/todo/edit/{{row[0]}}">Edit</a></td>

I don't quite understand your deployment. 我不太了解您的部署。 The /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ path, along with the lack of app.run in your code, suggest that you're running this under Apache. /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/路径,以及代码中缺少app.run ,建议您在Apache下运行它。 Is it a production deployment? 它是生产部署吗? For dev tasks you are supposed to use Bottle's built-in dev server, you know. 您知道,对于开发任务,您应该使用Bottle的内置开发服务器。 Add a single app.run() towards the end of your todo.py , and you're done. 添加一个app.run()对你的最终todo.py ,就大功告成了。

Now if you are using Apache, the most probably root cause is this line: static_file(filename, root='./static') . 现在,如果您使用的是Apache,最可能的根本原因是以下这一行: static_file(filename, root='./static') With mod_wsgi, you are not guaranteed that the working directory is equal to the directory where your todo.py is placed. 使用mod_wsgi,不能保证工作目录等于您的todo.py所在的目录。 In fact, it will almost never be. 实际上,它几乎永远不会。

You are using absolute paths for the database and the template, do so for the static files: 您正在使用数据库和模板的绝对路径,对静态文件使用路径:

@route('/static/:filename#.*#', name='css')
def server_static(filename):
    return static_file(filename, root=os.path.join(appPath, 'static'))

Next, I don't understand where your app is mounted. 接下来,我不知道您的应用程序的安装位置。 The URL http://localhost:8888/todo/static/style.css suggests that the mount point is /todo , but the route for the todo_list handler is again /todo . URL http://localhost:8888/todo/static/style.css建议挂载点为/todo ,但todo_list处理程序的路由还是/todo Is the full path supposed to be http://localhost/todo/todo ? 完整路径应该是http://localhost/todo/todo吗? Does your app have a / handler? 您的应用程序有/处理程序吗?

I'd also suggest to avoid hard-coding paths and concat'ing the path fragments together. 我还建议避免硬编码路径,并将路径片段合并在一起。 This would be cleaner: 这样会更干净:

from os.path import join, dirname
appPath = dirname(__file__)

def todo_list():
    conn = sqlite3.connect(join(appPath, 'todo.db'))

It turns out that it had nothing to do with Bottle and everything to do with my wsgi file that loaded the application. 事实证明,它与Bottle无关,而与加载应用程序的wsgi文件无关。 I did not change my os.path to the correct path; 我没有将os.path更改为正确的路径; it was pointing to the folder where the wsgi script was located. 它指向wsgi脚本所在的文件夹。 Obviously, there was no css file there. 显然,那里没有css文件。 Once I corrected my directory in the sgi script, everything worked. 在sgi脚本中更正目录后,一切正常。 In other words: 换一种说法:


needed to be 需要成为


because my wsgi script was in a different directory than the application itself (mod_wsgi recommends this approach). 因为我的wsgi脚本位于与应用程序本身不同的目录中(mod_wsgi建议采用这种方法)。 Thanks for all the help everyone! 谢谢各位的帮助!

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