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使用boost :: asio :: read_async读取Protobuf对象

[英]Reading Protobuf objects using boost::asio::read_async

I am writing an application using Boost asio in which the client and the server exchange messages that are serialized using google proto-buffers. 我正在使用Boost asio编写一个应用程序,其中客户端和服务器交换使用google proto-buffers序列化的消息。 I do not know what is the size of the serialized message being sent on over the network. 我不知道通过网络发送的序列化消息的大小是多少。 It seems that the proto-buf objects do not have any delimiter. 似乎proto-buf对象没有任何分隔符。

Here are the contents of the .proto file. 以下是.proto文件的内容。

 package tutorial;

message Person {
        required string name = 1;
        required int32 id = 2;
        optional string email = 3;

Here is how I am writing from the server 这是我从服务器写的方式

        tutorial::Person p;
        p.set_name("abcd pqrs");

        boost::asio::streambuf b;
        std::ostream os(&b);
        boost::asio::async_write(socket_, b,
                        boost::bind(&Server::handle_write, this,

In the client I am reading the message sent above using boost::asio::async_read. 在客户端我正在使用boost :: asio :: async_read读取上面发送的消息。 How do I find out the value of arg be set as an argument to boost::asio::transfer_at_least , in the code below? 如何在下面的代码中找出arg的值被设置为boost::asio::transfer_at_least的参数?

 boost::asio::async_read(socket_, response_,
                            boost::bind(&Client::handle_read_header, this,

Or else how do I make sure that boost::async_read returns after reading the entire object? 或者,如何在读取整个对象后确保boost :: async_read返回?

Correct, protobufs are not delimited. 正确的,protobufs没有分隔。 There's no knowing where a message ends from just a bytestream — even if you've seen all the fields you know about, maybe there are more repeated elements or somebody has extended the proto with a field you don't know about. 不知道消息从字节流到哪里结束 - 即使你已经看到了你所知道的所有字段,也许有更多的重复元素,或者有人用你不知道的字段扩展了原型。

A common solution is to prefix frames with lengths (commonly encoded as VarInt s). 常见的解决方案是为帧添加长度(通常编码为VarInt )。 LevelDB and Szl both use this approach, for example. 例如,LevelDBSzl都使用这种方法。 A VarInt can be unambiguously decoded byte by byte, and then you know how many more bytes to read before parsing your complete message. 可以逐字节地明确解码VarInt ,然后在解析完整的消息之前知道要读取多少字节。

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