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[英]backbone.js router not responding to url fragments

I have a simple router defined and instantiated. 我有一个定义和实例化的简单路由器。

Problem: When I go to the url http://localhost/backbone1/#photos/5 , I expect to see an output from console.log() in the javascript console, but nothing shows up. 问题:当我进入url http://localhost/backbone1/#photos/5 ,我希望在javascript控制台中看到console.log()的输出,但是什么都没有显示。 Did i miss out on something? 我错过了什么吗?

JS Code JS代码

var GalleryRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

    routes: {
        "about": "showAbout",
        "photos/:id": "getPhoto",
        "search/:query": "searchPhotos",
        "search/:query/p:page": "searchPhotos",
        "photos/:id/download/*imagePath": "downloadPhoto",
        "*other": "defaultRoute"

    showAbout: function() {


    getPhoto: function(id) {
        console.log('You are trying to reach photo ' + id);

    searchPhotos: function(query, page) {
        console.log('Page number: ' + page + ' of the results for ' + query);

    downloadPhoto: function(id, imagePath) {


    defaultRoute: function(other) {
        console.log("Invalid. You attempted to reach: " + other);


var myGalleryRouter = new GalleryRouter();

You are missing a initialize method 您缺少初始化方法

    var initialize = function () {
            var myGalleryRouter = new GalleryRouter();
return {
        initialize: initialize

Router starts listening to url hash changes after you call Backbone.history.start() . 在调用Backbone.history.start()之后,Router开始侦听url哈希更改。 Usually, you'd want to load essential data and initialize global views first, then start router. 通常,您需要先加载基本数据并初始化全局视图,然后再启动路由器。

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