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[英]backbone.js router Pushstates & Root

I have a page http://www.domain.com/user/123 , where 123 is the user_id for a particular user. 我有一个页面http://www.domain.com/user/123 ,其中123是特定用户的user_id。 There is a tabbed interface, and clicking on the tab should update the address bar with a new URL. 有一个选项卡式的界面,单击选项卡上的应该使用新的URL更新地址栏。

Example: Clicking on <a href="likes" data-toggle="tab">Likes</a> should update the address bar to http://www.domain.com/user/123/likes 示例:点击<a href="likes" data-toggle="tab">Likes</a>地址栏更新为http://www.domain.com/user/123/likes

Problem: I am trying to implement pushstates in backbone.js, but I can't seem to get the URL right when using app.navigate() . 问题:我正在尝试在ribs.js中实现推送状态,但是使用app.navigate()时似乎无法正确获取URL。 I tried setting the root attribute in the router using Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: "/user/" }); 我尝试使用Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: "/user/" });在路由器中设置root属性Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: "/user/" }); which gives me the root as http://www.domain.com/user/ . 这使我的根为http://www.domain.com/user/ How can I add the user_id to the end of root ? 如何将user_id添加到root的末尾? ie. 即。 http://www.domain.com/user/123/

var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

    routes: {
        '': 'likes',
        'likes': 'likes',

    likes: function() {
        console.log('fn likes');

var app = new AppRouter();
Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: "/user/" });

$(function() {
    // Update address bar URL
    $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('click', function(e) {


Updated Code 更新的代码

How can I update the root attribute of Backbone.history after grabbing the user_id from the url? 从网址中获取user_id后,如何更新Backbone.historyroot属性? The current method shown below does not work 下面显示的当前方法不起作用

// Router

var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

    routes: {
        ':user_id/likes': 'likes',
        ':user_id/': 'likes'

    set_user_id: function($user_id) {
        this.user_id = $user_id;
        // ADD SOME CODE TO CHANGE Backbone.history's root attribute

    likes: function($user_id) {
        console.log('fn likes');

var app = new AppRouter();
    pushState: true, 
    root: '/user/' + app.user_id + '/'  // app.user_id is undefined at the time this is called

You need to create your routes with a parameter to capture the variable user id, ie 您需要使用参数创建路由以捕获变量用户ID,即

var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

    routes: {
        ':user/likes': 'likes',

    likes: function(user) {
        console.log(user, 'fn likes');

See the Backbone docs for more info. 有关更多信息,请参见骨干文档 Needless to say that your href should be changed accordingly, ie href="123/likes" . 不用说,您的href应该相应地更改,即href="123/likes"

Finally, in order to not only save the url in history but also trigger the route you need to navigate as such: 最后,为了不仅将网址保存在历史记录中,而且还触发了您需要这样导航的路线:

app.navigate(e.target.getAttribute('href'), true);

navigate requires a trigger option to be set if you want it to actually fire the route handler (as opposed to just update the URL). navigate需要设置trigger选项,如果您希望它实际触发路由处理程序(而不是仅更新URL)。 From the documentation : 文档中

Whenever you reach a point in your application that you'd like to save as a URL, call navigate in order to update the URL. 每当您在应用程序中到达要另存为URL的位置时,请调用Navigation以更新URL。 If you wish to also call the route function, set the trigger option to true. 如果您还希望调用路由功能,请将触发选项设置为true。

So, to get the console.log debug to at least work, try this: 因此, console.log调试至少可以正常工作,请尝试以下操作:

app.navigate(e.target.getAttribute('href'), true);

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