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如何在opencv / python中识别具有特定形状的直方图

[英]How to recognize histograms with a specific shape in opencv / python

I want to segment images (from magazines) in text and image parts. 我想在文本和图像部分中分割图像(来自杂志)。 I have several histograms for several ROIs in my picture. 我的图片中有几个ROI的直方图。 I use opencv with python (cv2). 我使用opencv和python(cv2)。

I want to recognize histograms that look like this 我想识别看起来像这样的直方图

http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/image_tutorial-6.png http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/image_tutorial-6.png

as it is a typical shape for a text region. 因为它是文本区域的典型形状。 How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Edit: Thank you for your help so far. 编辑:感谢您的帮助到目前为止。

I compared the histograms I got from my ROIs to a sample histogram I provided: 我将从ROI获得的直方图与我提供的样本直方图进行了比较:

hist = cv2.calcHist(roi,[0,1], None, [180,256],ranges)
compareValue = cv2.compareHist(hist, samplehist, cv.CV_COMP_CORREL)
print "ROI: {0}, compareValue: {1}".format(i,compareValue)

Assuming ROI 0, 1, 4 and 5 are text regions and ROI is an image region, I get output like this: 假设ROI 0,1,4和5是文本区域,ROI是图像区域,我得到如下输出:

  • ROI: 0, compareValue: 1.0 ROI:0,compareValue:1.0
  • ROI: 1, compareValue: -0.000195522081574 <--- wrong classified 投资回报率:1,compareValue:-0.000195522081574 <---错误分类
  • ROI: 2, compareValue: 0.0612670248952 投资回报率:2,compareValue:0.0612670248952
  • ROI: 3, compareValue: -0.000517370176887 投资回报率:3,compareValue:-0.000517370176887
  • ROI: 4, compareValue: 1.0 投资回报率:4,compareValue:1.0
  • ROI: 5, compareValue: 1.0 投资回报率:5,compareValue:1.0

What can I do to avoid wrong classification? 我该怎么做才能避免错误的分类? For some images, the misclassification rate is about 30%, which is way too high. 对于某些图像,错误分类率约为30%,这太高了。

(I tried also with CV_COMP_CHISQR, CV_COMP_INTERSECT, CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYY and (hist*samplehist).sum() but they also provide wrong compareValues) (我也尝试过CV_COMP_CHISQR,CV_COMP_INTERSECT,CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYY和(hist * samplehist).sum()但它们也提供了错误的compareValues)

(See the EDIT at the end in case i misunderstood the question) : (如果我误解了这个问题,请参见最后的编辑):

If you are looking to draw the histograms, I had submitted one python sample to OpenCV, and you can get it from here : 如果你想绘制直方图,我已经向OpenCV提交了一个python样本,你可以从这里得到它:

http://code.opencv.org/projects/opencv/repository/entry/trunk/opencv/samples/python2/hist.py http://code.opencv.org/projects/opencv/repository/entry/trunk/opencv/samples/python2/hist.py

It is used to draw two kinds of histograms. 它用于绘制两种直方图。 First one applicable to both color and grayscale images as shown here : http://opencvpython.blogspot.in/2012/04/drawing-histogram-in-opencv-python.html 第一个适用于彩色和灰度图像,如下所示: http//opencvpython.blogspot.in/2012/04/drawing-histogram-in-opencv-python.html

Second one is exclusive for grayscale image which is same as your image in the question. 第二个是灰度图像专用的,与问题中的图像相同。

I will show the second and its modification. 我将展示第二个及其修改。

Consider a full image as below : 考虑如下完整图像:


We need to draw a histogram as you have shown. 我们需要绘制直方图,如图所示。 Check the below code: 检查以下代码:

import cv2
import numpy as np

img = cv2.imread('messi5.jpg')
mask = cv2.imread('mask.png',0)
ret,mask = cv2.threshold(mask,127,255,0)

def hist_lines(im,mask):
    h = np.zeros((300,256,3))
    if len(im.shape)!=2:
        print "hist_lines applicable only for grayscale images"
        #print "so converting image to grayscale for representation"
        im = cv2.cvtColor(im,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    hist_item = cv2.calcHist([im],[0],mask,[256],[0,255])
    for x,y in enumerate(hist):
    y = np.flipud(h)
    return y

histogram = hist_lines(img,None)

And below is the histogram we got. 下面是我们得到的直方图。 Remember it is histogram of full image. 请记住,它是完整图像的直方图。 For that,we have given None for mask. 为此,我们给了面具None


Now I want to find the histogram of some part of the image. 现在我想找到图像某些部分的直方图。 OpenCV histogram function has got a mask facility for that. OpenCV直方图功能有一个掩码工具。 For normal histogram, you should set it None . 对于普通直方图,您应将其设置为None Otherwise you have to specify the mask. 否则你必须指定掩码。

Mask is a 8-bit image, where white denotes that region should be used for histogram calculations, and black means it should not. 掩码是一个8位图像,其中白色表示该区域应用于直方图计算,黑色表示不应该。

So I used a mask like below ( created using paint, you have to create your own mask for your purposes). 所以我使用了下面的面具(使用颜色创建,你必须为你的目的创建自己的面具)。


I changed the last line of code as below : 我更改了最后一行代码,如下所示:

histogram = hist_lines(img,mask)

Now see the difference below : 现在看看下面的区别:


(Remember, values are normalized, so values shown are not actual pixel count, normalized to 255. Change it as you like.) (请记住,值是标准化的,因此显示的值不是实际像素数,标准化为255.根据需要更改它。)

EDIT : 编辑:

I think i misunderstood your question. 我想我误解了你的问题。 You need to compare histograms, right ? 你需要比较直方图,对吗?

If that is what you wanted, you can use cv2.compareHist function. 如果这是你想要的,你可以使用cv2.compareHist函数。

There is an official tutorial about this in C++ . 在C ++中有一个关于的官方教程。 You can find its corresponding Python code here. 您可以在此处找到相应的Python代码。

You can use a simple correlation metric. 您可以使用简单的关联度量标准。

  • make sure that the histogram you compute and your reference are normalized (ie represent probapilities) 确保您计算的直方图和参考标准化(即表示概率)

  • for each histogram compute (given that myRef and myHist are numpy arrays): 对于每个直方图计算(假设myRef和myHist是numpy数组):

    metric = (myRef * myHist).sum()

  • this metric is a measure of how much the histogram looks like your reference. 此指标衡量直方图看起来像您的参考。

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