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[英]Declaring variable to be of certain type

Let's say we have the following block of code: 假设我们有以下代码块:

if (thing instanceof ObjectType) {

All the typecasting makes the code look ugly, is there a way of declaring 'thing' as ObjectType inside that block of code? 所有类型转换使代码看起来很难看,有没有办法在代码块中声明'thing'作为ObjectType? I know I could do 我知道我能做到

OjectType differentThing = (ObjectType)thing;

and work with 'differentThing' from then on, but that brings some confusion to the code. 从那时起开始使用'differentThing',但这会给代码带来一些困惑。 Is there a nicer way of doing this, possibly something like 有没有更好的方法来做到这一点,可能是这样的

if (thing instanceof ObjectType) {
    (ObjectType)thing; //this would declare 'thing' to be an instance of ObjectType

I am pretty sure this question has been asked in the past, I couldn't find it though. 我很确定过去曾问过这个问题,但我找不到它。 Feel free to point me to the possible duplicate. 请随意指出可能的重复。

No, once a variable is declared, the type of that variable is fixed. 不,一旦声明了变量,该变量的类型就是固定的。 I believe that changing the type of a variable (potentially temporarily) would bring far more confusion than the: 我认为,改变变量的类型(可能是暂时的)会带来混乱比:

ObjectType differentThing = (ObjectType)thing;

approach you believe to be confusing. 接近你认为是混乱的。 This approach is widely used and idiomatic - where it's required at all, of course. 这种方法被广泛使用和惯用 - 当然,它是必需的。 (This is typically a bit of a code smell.) (这通常有点代码味道。)

Another option is to extract a method: 另一种选择是提取方法:

if (thing instanceof ObjectType) {
    performOperations((ObjectType) thing);

private void performOperations(ObjectType thing) {

Once a variable is declared, it's type cannot change. 一旦声明了变量,它的类型就不会改变。 Your differentThing approach is the correct one: 您的differentThing方法是正确的:

if (thing instanceof ObjectType) {
    OjectType differentThing = (ObjectType)thing;

I wouldn't call it confusing, either: as long as the scope of the differentThing variable is limited to the body of the if operator, it is clear to the readers what is going on. 我也不会把它称为混淆:只要differentThing变量范围仅限于if运算符的主体,读者就会明白发生了什么。

Sadly, this is not possible. 可悲的是,这是不可能的。

The reason is that "thing" in this scope will always be of the same object type, and you cannot recast it within a block of code. 原因是此范围中的“thing”将始终具有相同的对象类型,并且您无法在代码块中重新创建它。

If you dislike having two variable names (like thing and castedThing), you could always create another function; 如果你不喜欢有两个变量名(比如thing和castedThing),你总是可以创建另一个函数;

if (thing instanceof ObjectType) {

private void processObjectType(ObjectType thing) {

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