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如何在Drupal 7中显示块中的节点

[英]How to show a node in a block in drupal 7

I am trying to make frontpage and want to show a poll node on frontpage in a block. 我正在尝试制作首页,并希望在首页中显示一个投票节点。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? I have tried views but I am unable to find any way. 我已经尝试过视图,但是找不到任何方法。 how can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? My second question is that how can I customize the css of the site? 我的第二个问题是,如何自定义网站的CSS?

Install and enable the Nodeblock module 安装并启用Nodeblock模块

Once you've done that you'll need to edit your content type and enable nodeblock. 完成后,您需要编辑内容类型并启用nodeblock。 Once that's done, any instances of the content type will be available as a block on the blocks page. 完成后,内容类型的所有实例将在“阻止”页面上作为一个阻止提供。

As for the CSS question see this link 至于CSS问题, 请参阅此链接

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